Strange problem

If you look at there’s a posting
titled “Equilibrium”.

If you click on the title, you get “Post not found”.

Any idea why this might be happening? Nothing appears in the logs.


mathew wrote:

If you look at there’s a posting
titled “Equilibrium”.

If you click on the title, you get “Post not found”.

Any idea why this might be happening? Nothing appears in the logs.

Found the cause. A spambot had posted a comment that was causing typo to
fail. I removed the comment via psql.


Yikes. Which version of Typo and which DB? Do you still have a copyof
the comment, or do you have the backtrace in the logs that showswhat

On 4/7/06, mathew [email protected] wrote:> mathew wrote:> > If you look
at there’s a posting> > titled
“Equilibrium”.> >> > If you click on the title, you get “Post not
found”.> >> > Any idea why this might be happening? Nothing appears in
the logs.>> Found the cause. A spambot had posted a comment that was
causing typo to> fail. I removed the comment via psql.>>> mathew>
_______________________________________________> Typo-list mailing list>
[email protected]>>

Scott L. wrote:

Yikes. Which version of Typo and which DB?

PostgreSQL, trunk from a week or two ago, Rails 1.1. If you want me to
be more precise, you’ll need to tell me which file might have a useful
version ID… (It’d be a good idea to make the admin interface display
that info, yes?)

Do you still have a copyof the comment, or do you have the backtrace in the logs that showswhat happened?

There was no backtrace in the logs.

The spambot in question visits me on a regular basis. It posts
MIME-encoded crap, apparently thinking it’ll get sent as e-mail or
something. It always uses my domain as the e-mail address, which ought
to make it really easy to block if blacklisting on anything other than
IP address is possible.

Next time I get one I’ll try and extract the data and forward it. This
time I just did


What kind of comment causes Typo to fail? Could you post the text here?