Using form_remote_tag and radio_button

I want the user to select a date using radio buttons. The following
code shows the last 7 days.

<%= form_remote_tag(:update => ‘register_order’,
:url => { :action => :register_orders } ) %>
<% 1.upto(7) do |i| %>
<%= radio_button “date”, “register_date”,
i.days.ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>
<%= i.days.ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") %>

<% end %>

<%= submit_tag “Register” %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

The controller has:

def register_orders
render(:layout => false)
@date = params[:date][:register_date]

register_orders.rhtml has:

Date: <%= @date %>

If I comment out render-layout I get the date in
register_orders.rhtml, but also the layout twice. If I activate
render-layout I can get the date by changing register_orders in the
controller to:

def register_orders
render(:layout => false)
render_text params[:date][:register_date]

But then register_orders.rhtml appears unused. Am I missing something?
This is on rails 1.0, webrick, os x.


Answering my own mail (since nobody else does :slight_smile:

register_orders.rhtml, but also the layout twice. If I activate
render-layout I can get the date by changing register_orders in the
controller to:

def register_orders
render(:layout => false)
render_text params[:date][:register_date]

But then register_orders.rhtml appears unused. Am I missing something?
This is on rails 1.0, webrick, os x.

Turns out that I had to change register_orders in the controller to:

def register_orders
#render(:layout => false)
@date = params[:date][:register_date]
render :partial => “register_orders”

So render partial solved the problem. Rendering partials also requires
a rename to _register_orders.rhtml.
