Potential patch (login_engine)

login_engine is good. But there are two things about that I “dislike”.
been thinking of develop a patch for them, but I’d like some sense that
patch goals are agreed with, and thus making it likely to be accepted?

  1. Sending out the password in email is just plain bad. I know I can
    replace the view, but I’d rather see it as an configuration option.

  2. When a password is forgotten, a secondary authentication token is
    email to
    the user. As near as I can tell, that authentication token does general
    authentication, until it expires. I much prefer a model where that
    token is
    necessary to change the password, and that’s all it is good for. And
    the password is changed the token is invalidated.

Should I make patch, or just fork it?


I’d say submit a patch. These both sound like great ideas.


On 4/2/06 11:39 AM, “David C.” [email protected] wrote:

necessary to change the password, and that’s all it is good for. And when
the password is changed the token is invalidated.

Should I make patch, or just fork it?


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