Globalize DB translate not working in Rails 1.1.0

It seems there have been some changes to ActiveRecord between Rails
1.1.0 RC and 1.10 Final that cause Globalize to fail; 1.10 RC was
working fine. When retrieving records from the DB only the base language
version is fetched, even when the locale has been set differently. The
SQL in the log confirms that Globalize is ignored and a regular find()
is performed.

Globalize::Locale.set(‘nl’) # switch to ‘nl’; base language is ‘en’
article = Content::Article.find(
assert_equal ‘Nieuwe Titel voor Artikel’, article.content.title

SELECT * FROM content_items WHERE ( = 146) AND (
(content_items.object_type = ‘Article’ ) ) LIMIT 1

SELECT * FROM content_articles WHERE ( = 146) LIMIT 1

Anyone else experienced this issue?