Capistrano - run command

Man, I can’t wait to get my hands on the capistrano book when it
comes out :-).

I have the following task in capistrano.rake (any task in deploy.rb
just does not want to be called)

desc “Restarts the lighttpd server”
task :restart_server do
run “/users/home/jkopanas/bin/lighttpdctrl restart”

When I run rake restart_server I get the following errror:

undefined method `run’ for #Object:0x1de968

According to documentation and examples I should be able to use run
with no problem to execute commands on the server. How come I am
getting an error.

Insight is greatly appreciated.

Your Friend,

John K.

See the email I just sent in reply to your other message. :slight_smile: The
problem is that you are confusing rake and capistrano tasks. The two
are not compatible, though they have similar syntaxes.

  • Jamis