Rhtml templates and syntax

where do we need <% -%> in templates ? What is the difference between
<%= %> and it ?

<%= %> will execute the contained ruby and inject the result into the

<% %> will execute the contained ruby, but will NOT inject anything
into the document (other than a blank line) … hence …

<% -%> will execute the contained ruby and will not inject anything
into the document (not even a blank line).

-Derrick S.

Derrick S. wrote:

<%= %> will execute the contained ruby and inject the result into the

<% %> will execute the contained ruby, but will NOT inject anything
into the document (other than a blank line) … hence …

<% -%> will execute the contained ruby and will not inject anything
into the document (not even a blank line).

-Derrick S.

Thank You, Derrick!

You can also use - with the include. I.e.
<%= “blah” -%>

This will inject “blah” into the output, but will not create a new line.

This is useful when you’re pulling data into something that is
surrounded by quotes (like an HREF) where you don’t want the newlines
and want to maintain readability.