Switching theme support in Typo to Liquid?

Has anyone investigated the amount of work required to switch the
theme support in Typo to Liquid (http://home.leetsoft.com/liquid)? I
realize there are a large number of themes out there which Typo would
like to continue to support, but while investigating multiple blog
support for Typo, I thought the non-evaling/security features of
Liquid would be very nice to have.

As far as the multi-blog support in Typo, I haven’t had much time to
devote to it, but my most recent set of changes ran into a bit of a
roadblock with the sidebar controller/components (see my email sent


I haven’t looked much at Liquid, but my understanding of the purpose
of the non-evaling/security features was so people with no Ruby
knowledge could customize their shop appearance without worry. I
don’t think we’re targeting quite that low a level of knowledge with
ruby themes, so I don’t know how much benefit we’d get from
switching. I also don’t know if it would prevent any potential
features from being implemented in themes.

Kevin B. wrote:

I haven’t looked much at Liquid, but my understanding of the purpose of
the non-evaling/security features was so people with no Ruby knowledge
could customize their shop appearance without worry.

A version of Typo which supported non-evaling theming would be quite
neat if someone wanted to set up a Typo-based weblog hosting facility.
Of course, such a facility would want to disable rhtml-based theming
altogether. :slight_smile: