PDF::Writer Simpletable Iteration

Hello All:

I have been working with Austin
Ziegler’s PDF::Writer
as a means to produce PDF documents from my
Rails app. I am stumped on how to iterate through a collection of items
and output them in a table format. The way I have tried it so far only
returns the last item in the collection - every other variation I have
tried errors out.

All of the documentation I can find only deals with static data,
manually entered in the controller when using the Simpletable class. It
is working, except only the last item in the collection shows in the
generated PDF. Any ideas?

My code follows:

def pdf
@item = Item.find(:all)

_p = PDF::Writer.new
_p.select_font 'Times-Roman'

PDF::SimpleTable.new do |tab|
  tab.title = "Item List"
  tab.column_order.push(*%w{item_code item_name item_desc 


  tab.columns["item_code"] = 

PDF::SimpleTable::Column.new(“item_code”) { |col| col.heading = “Code” }
tab.columns[“item_name”] =
PDF::SimpleTable::Column.new(“item_name”) { |col| col.heading = “Item” }
tab.columns[“item_desc”] =
PDF::SimpleTable::Column.new(“item_desc”) { |col| col.heading =
“Description” }
tab.columns[“item_cose”] =
PDF::SimpleTable::Column.new(“item_cost”) { |col| col.heading = “Cost” }

  tab.orientation = :center
  tab.bold_headings = true

	@items.each do |item|
  @item_data = [
    { "item_code" => item.code,
       "item_name" => item.name,
       "item_desc" => item.desc,
       "item_cost" => item.cost},

  tab.data.replace @data

send_data _p.render, :filename => "Item_List.pdf", :type => 


David H. wrote:

def pdf
@item = Item.find(:all)

Sorry everyone…that line should read:

@items = Item.find(:all)

A little typo when I copied it in to the forum post…Cheers =)

David H. wrote:

def pdf
@item = Item.find(:all)

Sorry everyone…that line should read:

@items = Item.find(:all)

A little typo when I copied it in to the forum post…Cheers =)

Thanks Jodi…I was gone for a couple of days…I’ll try it on Monday
and let you know how it works out…Cheers!

Just have a brief moment to help out, this code snippet is from my
own code (obviously! lol).

from Controller:
@work_order_items = WorkOrderItem.find(:all)
render :template => “work_orders/work_order”, :type =>
“rpdf”, :layout => false

from View:

@work_order_items_table = PDF::SimpleTable.new
@work_order_items_table.column_order = [ “Quantity”, “Part #”,
“Description”, “Price”, “Extended”]
@work_order_items.each {|item| @work_order_items_table.data << Hash
[“Part #”, item.products_and_services.part_number,
“Description”, item.description, “Quantity”,item.quantity,
“Price”, number_to_currency(item.price),
“Extended”, number_to_currency(item.sub_total)]}

@work_order_items_table.render_on(pdf) if !

Hope the above helps.

I’ll back online in a couple of hours. Let me know if I can help more.


Jodi S. wrote:

Just have a brief moment to help out, this code snippet is from my
own code (obviously! lol).

from Controller:
@work_order_items = WorkOrderItem.find(:all)
render :template => “work_orders/work_order”, :type =>
“rpdf”, :layout => false

from View:

@work_order_items_table = PDF::SimpleTable.new
@work_order_items_table.column_order = [ “Quantity”, “Part #”,
“Description”, “Price”, “Extended”]
@work_order_items.each {|item| @work_order_items_table.data << Hash
[“Part #”, item.products_and_services.part_number,
“Description”, item.description, “Quantity”,item.quantity,
“Price”, number_to_currency(item.price),
“Extended”, number_to_currency(item.sub_total)]}

@work_order_items_table.render_on(pdf) if !

Hope the above helps.

I’ll back online in a couple of hours. Let me know if I can help more.


Mrs…check this

######Cuarta Tabla para ver informacion de muestras

    @muestra_data = []

@i = 0

PDF::SimpleTable.new do |table4|
table4.column_order.push(*%w{CANTIDAD DESCRIPCION PRECIO TOTAL})
for @muestra in @factura_proforma.muestra_factura_proforma

    @muestra_data[@i] = { "CANTIDAD" => @muestra.cantidad,
      "DESCRIPCION" => @muestra.producto_anio.producto.descripcion,
      "PRECIO" => @muestra.precio,
      "TOTAL" => @muestra.cantidad * @muestra.precio}

   @i = @i+1

  table4.data.replace @muestra_data
  table4.width         = 550
  table4.show_headings = true
  table4.show_lines = :none
  table4.shade_rows    = :none

######Fin Cuarta Tabla para ver informacion de muestras