An Array of grep Results?

I want to search all the files in a directory for a string and save the
results in an Array. So far, the best solution I can come up with is
using system(“grep … > resultsFile”), then opening resultsFile and
doing readlines(). There’s a better way, isn’t there?

On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 07:32 +0900, Nathan O. wrote:

I want to search all the files in a directory for a string and save the
results in an Array. So far, the best solution I can come up with is
using system(“grep … > resultsFile”), then opening resultsFile and
doing readlines(). There’s a better way, isn’t there?

Yep: Dir["/some/foo/directory/*"] :wink:

See the docs for Dir#glob

Nathan O. [email protected] wrote:

I want to search all the files in a directory for a string and save
the results in an Array. So far, the best solution I can come up with
is using system(“grep … > resultsFile”), then opening resultsFile
and doing readlines(). There’s a better way, isn’t there?


found = {}
Dir[“/foo/*”].each {|f| found[f] = {|io|
io.grep(/your_string/)} }

This should give you a hash with file names as keys and match lines as

Kind regards
