Const_missing oddity?

def Object.const_missing name
puts “There is no constant: #{name}”

irb(main):038:0> Foo { puts “here!”}
NoMethodError: undefined method `Foo’ for main:Object
from (irb):38
from :0

irb(main):039:0> Foo
There is no constant: Foo
=> nil

So the block after Foo keeps Foo from being recognized as a constant?
(apparently it’s recognized as a method instead)


Hi –

On Thu, 2 Mar 2006, Phil T. wrote:

irb(main):039:0> Foo
There is no constant: Foo
=> nil

So the block after Foo keeps Foo from being recognized as a constant?
(apparently it’s recognized as a method instead)

That’s what I would expect – otherwise you’d have a situation where
methods with capitalized names couldn’t take blocks. The same is true
of Foo() with respect to arguments.


David A. Black ([email protected])
Ruby Power and Light (

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