Gems package for TMail

Is there a gems package for TMail?

So many of the gems packages contain names that are not immediately
indicative of what they contain. A first look at listed packages did
show one for TMail. There is a package called rmail for RubyMail but
that I see for TMail. Please tell me I am wrong.


Can we assume that there isn’t one?

Shame. Ah well…


On 2/25/06, John N. Alegre [email protected] wrote:

Is there a gems package for TMail?

So many of the gems packages contain names that are not immediately
indicative of what they contain. A first look at listed packages did not
show one for TMail. There is a package called rmail for RubyMail but none
that I see for TMail. Please tell me I am wrong.

I do not think there is a gem for TMail. I might submit a gemspec to
the author because I would like to use it in one of my projects. I do
not think TMail should be hard to package, but I have not checked.