Problem having two belongs_to of the same class type

I have a Shipment class that is used to ship packages between Branches.
However, when I try to have two belongs_to in Shipment called shipped_to
and shipped_from I can’t seem to make it work. I can get it to display
the form properly but when I select the branches and click save I get
the following error…

“Branch expected, got String”

Any ideas? I have added some code snipplets below for reference.



class Shipment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :shipped_to,
:class_name => ‘Branch’,
:foreign_key => ‘shipped_to_id’
belongs_to :shipped_from,
:class_name => ‘Branch’,
:foreign_key => ‘shipped_from_id’


class Branch < Entity
has_many :shipped_to,
:class_name => ‘Shipment’,
:order => ‘updated_on DESC’,
:foreign_key => ‘shipped_to_id’,
:dependent => true
has_many :shipped_from,
:class_name => ‘Shipment’,
:order => ‘updated_on DESC’,
:foreign_key => ‘shipped_from_id’,
:dependent => true


class Entity < ActiveRecord::Base


<%= error_messages_for ‘shipment’ %>

Shipped to <%= collection_select 'shipment', 'shipped_to', @branches, 'id', 'name' %>
Shipped from <%= collection_select 'shipment', 'shipped_from', @branches, 'id', 'name' %>


class ShipmentsController < ApplicationController
def new
@branches = Branch.find(:all, :order => ‘name’)
case request.method
when :get
@shipment =
when :post
@shipment =[:shipment])
flash[:notice] = ‘Shipment was successfully created’
redirect_to :action => ‘list’
render :action => ‘new’

Arnold Cano wrote:

“Branch expected, got String”

<%= collection_select ‘shipment’, ‘shipped_to’, @branches, ‘id’, ‘name’ %> Shipped from <%= collection_select 'shipment', 'shipped_from', @branches, 'id', 'name' %>

Use shipped_to_id and shipped_from_id in your collection_selects.

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.

I updated my form with your suggestion as follows:

Shipped to <%= collection_select 'shipment', 'shipped_to_id', @branches, 'id', 'name' %>
Shipped from <%= collection_select 'shipment', 'shipped_from_id', @branches, 'id', 'name' %>

But now when I click save I get the following error…

“interning empty string”

Any other ideas? I’m stumped!

Mark Reginald J. wrote:

Arnold Cano wrote:

“Branch expected, got String”

<%= collection_select ‘shipment’, ‘shipped_to’, @branches, ‘id’, ‘name’ %> Shipped from <%= collection_select 'shipment', 'shipped_from', @branches, 'id', 'name' %>

Use shipped_to_id and shipped_from_id in your collection_selects.

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.

You were absolutely right I had a bug in my validation code that was
causing this error. I just thought it had something to do with the
belongs_to because it kept pointing me to the line number where the
actual save was taking place.

Thanks for your help!


Mark Reginald J. wrote:

Arnold Cano wrote:

But now when I click save I get the following error…

“interning empty string”

Any other ideas? I’m stumped!

That’s some other problem. Have a look at the full stack trace
of the error to work out where it is occuring.

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.

Arnold Cano wrote:

But now when I click save I get the following error…

“interning empty string”

Any other ideas? I’m stumped!

That’s some other problem. Have a look at the full stack trace
of the error to work out where it is occuring.

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.