Re: Rubuntu LiveCD I need vim/emacs configs!

On Behalf Of Pistos

#Well, I was about to toot my own horn, but it looks as though someone
#already mentioned it: I would be quite appreciative if you included
#Diakonos. :slight_smile:

Hi Pistos,

do you have gem for diakonos?
Thank you for the uber cool editor.

kind regards -botp


Peña, Botp wrote:

do you have gem for diakonos?
Thank you for the uber cool editor.

I would simply love to make a gem for Diakonos. I have been wanting to
do so for many versions now. Unfortunately, the rubygems technology
does not have any functionality that would allow me to place a
system-wide conf anywhere. Until that happens, a Diakonos Ruby gem
would be either crippled, or impossible. :frowning:

At the moment, the tarballs include an old version of , which seems to
work for now, but I know the Ruby community is all on the gems
bandwagon, so I feel really left out. :frowning:

Anyway, thank you for your kind comments about the editor. :slight_smile: God be


On Feb 23, 2006, at 10:34 AM, Pistos C. wrote:

I would simply love to make a gem for Diakonos. I have been
wanting to
do so for many versions now. Unfortunately, the rubygems technology
does not have any functionality that would allow me to place a
system-wide conf anywhere. Until that happens, a Diakonos Ruby gem
would be either crippled, or impossible. :frowning:

Speaking of the config file, is there a chance that the install could
stick the config in $PREFIX/etc?

Great editor btw.

On Feb 23, 2006, at 7:34 AM, Pistos C. wrote:

Posted via


Diakonos is pretty sweet. I will definitely incldue it in rubuntu ;)


On Feb 23, 2006, at 9:23 PM, Pistos C. wrote:

of interest to you:

Posted via

Yeah, basically what I was hoping for is diakonos to remember the
prefix it was installed to and search accordingly. (I like to
install things to /usr/local/$APP/, makes it easier to keep track of
what belongs to what. Although at this point my path var is rather
long :slight_smile: )

Logan C. wrote:

Speaking of the config file, is there a chance that the install could
stick the config in $PREFIX/etc?

If you use

$ ./setup.rb --help

it displays a plethora of path configuration options. Some that may be
of interest to you:

 --prefix=PREFIX      path prefix of target environment [usr]
 --confdir=PREFIX     directory for conf files [/etc]
 --conf=PREFIX        absolute directory for conf files [usr/etc]

Diakonos only searches for a system-wide conf in the following places,

    conf_dirs = [

So if you put it somewhere besides one of those five locations, you’ll
have to either specify the conf on the command line (with the
-c/–config option), or reference it inside your
~/.diakonos/diakonos.conf file.


On Feb 24, 2006, at 10:25 AM, Pistos C. wrote:

You could always just go in and hack that conf_dir Array for the time
being. :slight_smile: I will file an issue ticket for this feature, though.

Thank you.

Logan C. wrote:

Yeah, basically what I was hoping for is diakonos to remember the
prefix it was installed to and search accordingly. (I like to
install things to /usr/local/$APP/, makes it easier to keep track of
what belongs to what. Although at this point my path var is rather
long :slight_smile: )

You could always just go in and hack that conf_dir Array for the time
being. :slight_smile: I will file an issue ticket for this feature, though.