Link_to_remote (AJAX) and tables: IE issues, validation?

I have a table that lists domain names, with a form next to it to add
new domains.

I have AJAXified this so that new domains are immediately added as table
rows. This works fine in Firefox 1.5/Win, but not in IE6/Win. Domains
are added into the database, but the HTML table is not updated unless
you reload the page.

Some googling tells me there are issues with e.g. link_to_remote
updating tables in IE (I tried updating a div and that worked fine), so
I’m simply asking if anyone knows of a decent solution, other than going
non-AJAX, dropping IE support or using something other than a table.

Also, has anyone written code to get validations with link_to_remote? So
if someone attempts to add a non-valid domain, you would get some sort
of readable error message.

Some of my code:


<%= form_remote_tag(
:url => { :action => ‘create’ },
:update => “items”,
:position => :bottom,
:complete => ‘focus_field()’) %>


def create
@domain =[:domain])
render(:partial => ‘domain’, :object => @domain, :layout => false)
#FIXME: No decent error handling yet - try adding duplicate
render :action => ‘new’

where “items” is a table and the domain partial a table row.

On 2/12/06, Henrik N [email protected] wrote:

Also, has anyone written code to get validations with link_to_remote? So
if someone attempts to add a non-valid domain, you would get some sort
of readable error message.

I’ve written an article on this subject, which you can find at

Please let me know if you find anything uncomplete, unclear or missing,

  • Rowan

BigSmoke wrote:

On 2/12/06, Henrik N [email protected] wrote:

Also, has anyone written code to get validations with link_to_remote? So
if someone attempts to add a non-valid domain, you would get some sort
of readable error message.

I’ve written an article on this subject, which you can find at

Please let me know if you find anything uncomplete, unclear or missing,

  • Rowan


I need help in this matter but that link doesnt seem to be working.
Can u help me.
