[ANN] form_remote_upload plugin

form_remote_tag does not support the input type=file. This is due to
javascript security limitations. I created a plugin that modifies
form_remote_tag so that if you pass it the option: :html =>
{:multipart => true}, it will submit via an iframe, allowing you to
upload files. It works nicely with file_column :). Currently, it
only works with RJS templates (no :update option), and I only
implemented the :loading callback. Patches are welcome to flesh out
the functionality, but I’m sharing it now because it’s still quite


Patches, bugs, etc via email or at dev.kylemaxwell.com

Kyle M.
Chief Technologist
E Factor Media // FN Interactive
[email protected]

I just wanted to note that the form_remote_upload works for Rails 1.0,
with the RJS plugin.

To get it working with Edge Rails, please replace JavascriptHelper
with PrototypeHelper on lib/frt_upload_helper.rb#3

Kyle M.
Chief Technologist
E Factor Media // FN Interactive
[email protected]

The uploading feature works great, just one problem – Everything
defined in my ApplicationHelper suddenly stops working, ie:

undefined method `thumbnail_default’ for #<#Class:0x220c210:0x220c1ac>

(thumbnail_default is defiend in ApplicationHelper)

I figured something must be wrong with frt_upload_filter.rb so I
commented it all out, restarted the server, and my helpers started to
work again. Any ideas on this one?

Iam having the same exact problem. I tried including the after_filter
directly into the Base controller, but my helpers are still not visible.
Anybody else get their helpers working after installing this plugin,
chime in. Appreciate your help.

On 2/14/06, adam roth [email protected] wrote:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

Try to break down which lines are causing the problem. It’s probably
one of the includes in ActionController::Base around

Kyle M.
Chief Technologist
E Factor Media // FN Interactive
[email protected]

As far as I remember, I justI included the after filter directly in the
application controler and then the the helpers were available again. The
other issue I had, is that the upload remote-form-tag has not all the
options and calllbacks of the normal remote-form-tag

I added all the helpers to application.rb, as:

helper :application, :products, :line_items

Then it works fine.


adam roth wrote:

The uploading feature works great, just one problem – Everything
defined in my ApplicationHelper suddenly stops working, ie:

undefined method `thumbnail_default’ for #<#Class:0x220c210:0x220c1ac>

(thumbnail_default is defiend in ApplicationHelper)

I figured something must be wrong with frt_upload_filter.rb so I
commented it all out, restarted the server, and my helpers started to
work again. Any ideas on this one?

upload remote-form-tag has not all the
options and calllbacks of the normal remote-form-tag

I implemented the bare minimum of the :loading => “” parameter, plus
RJS template responses. You should be able to get any behavior you
want out of this combination, although perhaps not in the way you are
used to doing.
