Howto work with a page not generated by the scaffold?

I too was trying to figure out such things.

I need a page that will ask for initial and final

this would be a form page, so it would be a view. It would
go in the view folder. You could have an action getdates
det getdates
in controller which automatically will call getdates.rhtml
in the view folder.

You will get the info from this page in the params. Look up
render to look at the param hash.

The controller can then select all the data, and go to
another view page, show.rhtml.

You don’t need to use scaffold at all.

Here is what I found

I also found the following tutorial which is more about

I will be happy to help if I can, I only have a couple weeks
on this myself.


Hey Anne ! Thanks for the links !
I think after a while, you don’t use scaffold at all… at least I don’t
You just start building your application page by page, action by action,
component by component… etc.
I think scaffold is just a “ooooooo look what rails can do” type thing
get’s people started.

I think… or I may be missing an amazing feature and I’m wasting a lot
time… but, I don’t think so :slight_smile:

I think scaffold is just a “ooooooo look what rails can do” type thing

Yap, and I have become allergic to the word scaffold and to that
and I prefer to ignore politly anyone suggesting that since there is
scaffold, I should use it.

Rails is not for the true beginner. There is a lot of learning to do
just to
get to the first chapter of agile rails. some pros don’t understand

Now that I am starting to understand, I will certainly never use
symbol a certain humiliation: How hard it was to figure out just one of
the lines of that oh so elegant program!

On Friday 10 Feb 2006 01:26, anne g wrote:

Now that I am starting to understand, I will certainly never use scaffold,

Well, there’s no harm in using the scaffold generator to put the
basics in place before fleshing them out yourself. I still use them,
it’s useful for getting stuff up and running as quick as possible.

Soon though, I’m planning to develop my own customised engines to
implement the kind of stuff I need on almost every website - news
link pages, standard contact forms and so on. Might as well practise
between projects, as well as in them… :slight_smile:


Dave S.
Rent-A-Monkey Website Development

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