Re: How to improve this kind of API?

it always boils down to some widget attribute that can have a

splitter3.expanded? :bottom_left
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


FWIW, I think what you’ve posted here looks good, so long as I could use
strings as well, e.g. splitter.expand(“top_left”).



On Fri, 10 Feb 2006, Berger, Daniel wrote:

it always boils down to some widget attribute that can have a

splitter3.expanded? :bottom_left
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


FWIW, I think what you’ve posted here looks good, so long as I could use
strings as well, e.g. splitter.expand(“top_left”).

indeed. a symbols only api is evil - makes reading config info from
files/yaml a pain.

a config method is also quite nice

splitter.configure {
expand ‘top_left’
something ‘foobar’

which should also take a hash

‘expand’ => ‘top_left’,
‘something’ => ‘foobar’

which makes


a one liner.

if config.yml has

expand : top_left
something : foobar

in it.



On 2/9/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

indeed. a symbols only api is evil - makes reading config info from
files/yaml a pain…

something : foobar

in it.

How would one specify (especially in the YAML representation) that
both the “top_left” and “top_right” bits for “expand” should be set?
Would it look something like this:

  - top_left
something: foobar

I don’t have as much exposure to YAML as I probably should. :wink:

On Thu, 9 Feb 2006, Lyle J. wrote:

How would one specify (especially in the YAML representation) that
both the “top_left” and “top_right” bits for “expand” should be set?
Would it look something like this:

- top_left
something: foobar

I don’t have as much exposure to YAML as I probably should. :wink:

exactly right.

btw. it’s easy to figure out:

harp:~ > ruby -r yaml -e’ y “expand” => [“top_left”, “top_right”],
“foo” => “bar” ’


  • top_left
  • top_right
    foo: bar

