Error undefined method `of_caller' for Binding:Class

Hi all,

I have the following helper method:
def collapsible_fragment(collapsed, &block)
html = ‘

html << capture(&block) if( block_given? && !collapsed)
html << ‘

Binding.of_caller do |binding|
concat(html, binding)

and within the template this helper is used as follows

<a href="?collapsed=<%=params[:collapsed]==‘1’ ? ‘0’ :
<% collapsible_fragment( params[:collapsed]==‘1’ ) do %>
Am I visible ?

On production env everything works fine, but when I switch to production
env exception ‘undefined method `of_caller’ for Binding:Class’ is

any clue ?


l00p wrote:

<% collapsible_fragment( params[:collapsed]==‘1’ ) do %>
Am I visible ?

On production env everything works fine, but when I switch to production
env exception ‘undefined method `of_caller’ for Binding:Class’ is
arrgh, sorry on development env everything is fine, when switched to
production exception is thrown