Displaying source code of an rhtml file

I’m creating some embedded ruby web pages under Linux and Apache 2.0
and after showing what it can do I like to display the source code.
I was wondering if there is an easier way to do this than what I am
doing at present. An example is where I wish to show the line
Obviously just trying having a rhtml file with % at the start of a
line means it is interpreted as ruby code so at present I am using
% print “%”

This works but is a pain. Is there a way to specify to a block of
code, don’t interpret this code but simple display it in the page it
came from ?

On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 18:13 +0900, Paul J. wrote:

I’m creating some embedded ruby web pages under Linux and Apache 2.0
and after showing what it can do I like to display the source code.
I was wondering if there is an easier way to do this than what I am
doing at present. An example is where I wish to show the line

Do you mean like this?


    <title>Just code</title>

    <h1>Here is the code</h1>

    <pre><code><%= ERB::Util.html_escape(File.read(__FILE__)) %>


Alternatively, if you mean showing it in blocks you’ll have to escape it
anyway, or the browsers will eat it, won’t they? So just pass them
through html_escape.

Alternatively, check out Rote (http://rote.rubyforge.org) for some
ERB-based ruby-code-macro supporting syntax highlighting fun, where you
can just do:

class SomeClass < Other
  def etc(&blk)

I think ‘<%%’, and possibly ‘%%>’, will escape the ‘%’ in rhtml