What's the javascript to submit an AJAX Form?

HI Everyone,

How do I form the href on an anchor so I can create a link-style submit
an ajax form?

In this snippet, the INPUT generated by #submit_tag works OK, but the
results in the AJAX replacing the whole page?

Can I make the anchor/href submit the AJAX form as well?

Thank you!

I have this (list.rhtml):

<%= form_remote_tag  :url => {:action=>:ajax_list_option_table},
                    :html => {:name=>'option_list_form'},
                    :update => 'option_table',
                    :complete => "Toggle.display('auto_link_link')"; 



<%= submit_tag "GO" %> GO 
<%= end_form_tag -%>

You are supposed to be able to add a :submit option, which will get the
value of One (and only one as far as I know… I just asked about that
myself) element (by id) in the form.

Is there any other way?

  • Matt