[ANN] Ruby OpenID 0.9.4

OpenID is a decentralized URL based identity system. This library
provides a ruby interface for verifying and serving OpenID identities.
More at http://openid.net/

This latest release contains many exciting new features including
server support,
Rails consumer and server examples, and a rails based ActiveRecord


  • Easy-to-use API for verifying OpenID identities (OpenIDConsumer)
  • New support for serving OpenID identities (OpenIDServer)
  • Does not depend on underlying web framework
  • Multiple storage implementations (Filesystem, SQL)
  • Comprehensive test suite
  • Example code to help you get started, including:
    o WEBrick based consumer
    o Ruby on Rails based consumer
    o Ruby on Rails based server
    o OpenIDLoginGenerator for quickly creating a rails app that uses
    OpenID for authentication
    o ActiveRecord adapter for using an SQL store in rails

More information at:

Brian E.
Software Engineer, JanRain Inc.