Getting a basic web service up and running with ActionWebSer

So I have created a bunch of code and had it wrappered nicely as a web
service using the standard soap.rpc stuff that packs with Ruby, but I
needed to be able to generate a WSDL file to go with it and from what
I can tell the easiest way to do that is to switch to ActionWebService
with Rails.

I’ve read through the AWS book which is fine but I don’t quite know
enough about how Rails works to be able to actually do anything with
it - I have it all installed and I’ve run through the basic tutorial
but that doesn’t quite cover the ground I’m on as I have a perfectly
good application structure and I just want to be able to expose it as
a SOAP service. If anyone could offer any tips on getting a basic
“Hello World” type AWS service up and running it would be a tremendous

thanks all,
