Select list generated from table

Have 2 tables - clients & case_managers

class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :case_manager

app/views/clients/_form.html contains line…

<% collection_select("client", "case_manager_id", \ case_manager.find_all, "name", "id") %>

and this line generates error…
undefined local variable or method `case_manager’ for

What should the collection_select statement look like for it to populate
a pop-up select list of the names column from case_managers table?

for reference;

clients table has defined…
id integer primary key not null
case_manager_id not null
foreign key (case_manager_id) references case_managers(id)

case_managers table has defined
id integer primary key not null
name character varying 53 not null
no foreign keys

case_managers_clients table has defined
client_id integer not null
case_manager_id integer not null
no primary key

Craig W. wrote:


<% collection_select("client", "case_manager_id", \ CaseManager.find(:all), "id", "name") %>

supposing CaseManager is the model for your table

<% @case_managers = CaseManager.find(:all).collect {|c| [,]}
<%= select ‘client’, ‘case_manager_id’, @case_managers %>

Personally, I would put the first of the two statements in the
controller, because I don’t like seeing find() in the view.

If you have a large number of Case Managers, you could write a
more-optimized way of building that list, and make it a class method
in CaseManager.
class CaseManager < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.case_manager_options
managers = connection.select_all(“select name, id from
managers.collect {|m| m.values}

Then, in your view, you can just do:
<%= select ‘client’, ‘case_manager_id’, CaseManager.case_manager_options

Warning: People will now complain that this is premature optimization.
Only do it if it makes this easier/faster for you. Myself, I like
having this sort of thing taken care of by the model.

P.S. The difference between select and collection_select is that
select takes care of selecting the current value for you. Saves you a

Good luck,