Login_Engine: Cannot send Email (signup)


I’m having trouble creating a new user with the login_engine signup
method. Whenever I try and register a new user from the login page →
register as a new user, I get redirected to the signup page with the
message that an error has occurred since some email could not be sent.
As such I can’t create any users. I followed the installation
instructions at rails-engines.org (beautiful site by the way)
religiously, added the config :use_email_notification, false |
statement, but it didn’t work. Any ideas? If it’d help for me to post
some of my code here, please let me know!


You definitely have this in your environment.rb?

module LoginEngine
config :salt,
config :use_email_notification, false

If so, check your logs for any error messages, and try and post the
relevant parts here.

  • james