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Hello, I’m new to ruby on rails, migrating from php, and I have some

1- How do I work with null objects without returning the rails error to
the user? Like if I’m searching for a record and no record’s found, how
would I deliver my custom message to the user?

2- How does the ‘nil’ object work?


On 16 Jan '06, at 10:56 AM, thiago jackiw wrote:

1- How do I work with null objects without returning the rails
error to the user? Like if I’m searching for a record and no
record’s found, how would I deliver my custom message to the user?

You could use the :all version of ActiveRecord#find, instead of just
passing in the record id ? that will return an empty array if no
record is found, instead of throwing an exception.

2- How does the ‘nil’ object work?

It’s a bit fancier than a simple nil/null pointer in most other
languages. It is a real object: the sole instance of a class called
NilClass, which you can look up in the core library ref. This class
does pretty much nothing except respond to some boolean and type-
conversion methods and the very useful ‘nil?’.

But for the most part you can treat it just as you would a nil/null
pointer in PHP or Java or C++ or whatever.

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