
I’m looking for a good way to make all of Rails’ inbuilt helpers
available to my custom Helper while I’m testing it.

The Helper I’m testing is EditorHelper. EditorHelper itself relies on
some of Rails’ inbuilt Helpers, such as JavaScriptHelper and
UrlHelper. These are automagically available when called on within an
ERB template, but not when called by my EditorHelper inside a unit

I can manually include each of the required Helpers in my
editor_helper_test file:

require ‘action_view/helpers/url_helper’
module EditorHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper

But I’d much rather make use of
in ActionView::Base to load all the helpers in one swoop.

I couldnt figure out how to use that method (or even copy/past+modify
it) to include all of Rails’ Helpers within my EditorHelper. Who
knows how?


I think maybe there is something wrong in installation also , so I am
reinstalling GNURADIO now.
I want to make OFDM system with some requirements on parameters. I don’t
know how to start . I think I must start by synchronization part as it
the most important part . So to understand how the synchronization is
in GNURADIO , I have to understand the c++ code of the synchronization
blocks. But since I found the c++ codes difficult to me to understand
there are too many variables ( I am not new to c++, I used it for 5
but some concepts like polymorphism are new to me ) , I decided to cout
variables in the hope that it helps me understanding .
Please , advise me if there is another method to understand the blocks.
wonder if I can enter my parameters directly in ofdm loopback example
without understanding the code and then getting the system works fine
during implementation using USRP.

2014-05-03 5:49 GMT+02:00 Sara Chérif [email protected]: