Ruby 1.8.4 with readline support on OSX

I tried installing readline (following a how-to for 1.8.4 on OSX) and I
get the following:

install: you may need to run ldconfig

I do not find ldconfig anywhere. Has anyone else gotten this message?


Robert H. wrote:

I tried installing readline (following a how-to for 1.8.4 on OSX) and I
get the following:

install: you may need to run ldconfig

I do not find ldconfig anywhere. Has anyone else gotten this message?


Odds are if you don’t have it on the system, you don’t need to run it.
Try and see. I might be horribly mistaken, but I think running
ldconfig serves for the system to know there’s a new dynamic library
around the place, and it’s necessary on some Unixen. Might want to check
how OSX handles dynamic libraries…

David V.

Well, I may not need to run it but readline isn’t installing either.

On 1/11/06, Robert H. [email protected] wrote:

I tried installing readline (following a how-to for 1.8.4 on OSX) and I
get the following:

install: you may need to run ldconfig

I do not find ldconfig anywhere. Has anyone else gotten this message?


I’d suggest that you go to
and install darwinports, and then use darwinports to install ruby.
that port will automatically install the correct version of readline
for you, and compile everything correctly.

Btw, do you have the DeveloperTools installed on your Mac? Do you
have a /Developer directory, for instance? If you have not, then you
would need to install the developers tools first. (you would also
need to install those if you were to use darwinports).

On Jan 12, 2006, at 7:38 PM, Robert H. wrote:

I have the devtools…yes.

Does this series of steps work for you?

curl | tar xfz -
cd readline-5.0
cd shlib
sed -e ‘s/-dynamic/-dynamiclib/’ Makefile > Makefile.good
mv Makefile.good Makefile
cd …
make && sudo make install
sudo rm /usr/lib/libreadline*
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libreadline* /usr/lib/

I got those from here, just FYI:

James Edward G. II

Someone suggested installing libreadline in /usr/lib and linking it
back to /usr/local.

This is a “Bad Idea” ™. since you would be messing with the core
operating system and its libraries. You’re much better doing it either:

  1. Using Darwin Ports (I personally prefer it over Fink) at

  2. Roll your own from source code ( You can even use
    FTPFS which is built into the Finder to make browsing easy.

By default the GNU code installs in /usr/local, and the Darwin Ports
installs in /opt/local. Both stay away from your core OS which is
good. If you start messing with the core OS, you must be careful you
absolutely know what you are doing and how to back it out in case of
trouble. The more changes you make, the more difficult this is.
Best to just leave it alone. If you make changes there, you could
easily end up affecting upgrades, patches and produce other unknown
or unwanted side-effects.


Mobile: +81-80-3202-2599

God is love. => Love is blind.
Ray Charles is blind. => Ray Charles is God.

I have the devtools…yes.
