Make link_to_remote call redirect current view, not read red

Hello everyone !

I have a link_to_remote which creates a Party from a ContactRequest.
The action on the server creates the party, marks the contact request
as processed, and then returns a redirect. According to my knowledge
of HTTP, that is the correct thing to do.

Unfortunately, Prototype is being too clever for me at this time…
It follows the redirect, without notifying me. Anybody has any ideas
on how I should be proceeding ? Workarounds or new solutions are
accepted :slight_smile:

Here’s my code, at the moment:
<%= link_to_remote(‘Create Party’,
{ :url => {:action => ‘convert_to_party’, :id => request},
:loading => visual_effect(:fade, “create-#{}”),
:failure => %q{alert('Failure to update: ’ +
302 => %q(alert('Redirect To: ’ + request.inspect))},
{ :title => ‘Convert to Party’, :id => “create-#{}”

class DashboardController < ApplicationController
def convert_to_party
@contact_request = ContactRequest.find(params[:id])
@party = @contact_request.to_party
if then
redirect_to :controller => ‘/admin/parties’, :action => :edit,
:id =>
render :inline => @party.errors.full_messages.join("\n"),
:status => ‘400 Bad Request’

Thanks !

Hi Francois,

On 1/9/06, Francois B. [email protected] wrote:

I have a link_to_remote which creates a Party from a ContactRequest.
The action on the server creates the party, marks the contact request
as processed, and then returns a redirect. According to my knowledge
of HTTP, that is the correct thing to do.

Unfortunately, Prototype is being too clever for me at this time…
It follows the redirect, without notifying me.

Sorry – it’s not Prototype, but XMLHttpRequest, which doesn’t notify
us of HTTP redirects. If you want to redirect the entire page, you’ll
need to set the ‘window.location.href’ property in JavaScript at the
appropriate time.

One way is to send the URL to redirect to as the response body, and
set your :success callback to %( window.location.href =
request.responseText ).

If you’re using edge Rails, an easier way is to use RJS’s
page.redirect_to method.


Hello Sam !

2006/1/9, Sam S. [email protected]:

Sorry – it’s not Prototype, but XMLHttpRequest, which doesn’t notify
us of HTTP redirects. If you want to redirect the entire page, you’ll
need to set the ‘window.location.href’ property in JavaScript at the
appropriate time.

Ah, wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for the clarification.

One way is to send the URL to redirect to as the response body, and
set your :success callback to %( window.location.href =
request.responseText ).

I implemented your solution. For posterity, here’s my action:
def convert_to_party
@contact_request = ContactRequest.find(params[:id])
@party = @contact_request.to_party
if then
response.headers[‘Content-Type’] = ‘text/plain’
render :inline => url_for(:controller => ‘/admin/parties’,
:action => :edit, :id =>
render :inline => @party.errors.full_messages.join(“\n”),
:status => ‘400 Bad Request’

And the view:
<%= link_to_remote(‘Create Party’,
{ :url => {:action => ‘convert_to_party’, :id => request},
:loading => visual_effect(:fade, “create-#{}”),
:failure => %q{alert('Failure to update: ’ +
:success => %q(window.location.href = request.responseText)},
{ :title => ‘Convert to Party’, :id => “create-#{}”

Thanks a bunch !