File_column content type

is there a way using the file_column plugin to enforce a certain
content type based on regex (, /^image/) and/or filesize (150k)


On 1/9/06, Adam D. [email protected] wrote:

Kyle M.
Chief Technologist
E Factor Media // FN Interactive
[email protected]

thanks. now for an even dumber question. Isnt rails supposed to
automatically load the vendor directory ? I installed file_column
but i get a

undefined method `file_column’ for #<#Class:0x40847dc0:0x40847aa0>
when using it in the model

cant seem to find where to “require” file_column if thats necessary.


On 1/10/06, Adam D. [email protected] wrote:

thanks. now for an even dumber question. Isnt rails supposed to
automatically load the vendor directory ? I installed file_column
but i get a

undefined method `file_column’ for #<#Class:0x40847dc0:0x40847aa0>
when using it in the model

cant seem to find where to “require” file_column if thats necessary.

file_column is designed as a plugin. This means you should just drop
it into vendor/plugins/file-column or install it via

./script/plugin install

Hope this helps

file_column is designed as a plugin. This means you should just drop
it into vendor/plugins/file-column or install it via

./script/plugin install

I have this same problem. I’ve run the command and file_column is now
sitting in my plugins folder. I tried restarting the webserver, but I
still get this error:

undefined method `file_column’ for HomeImagesController:Class

And my controller looks like this:
class HomeImagesController < ApplicationController
#model :home_images # does this matter?
file_column :filename

Do I need to “require” the plugin anywhere? It looks like it doesn’t
recognize that it exists.

Your file_column :filename should be in your Model, not your controller.

class HomeImages < ActiveRecord::Base
file_column :filename

Step 2 is to change your new and edit views to include :multipart =>
true, like this:

<%= start_form_tag ({:action => ‘create’}, :multipart => true) %>

After that, edit your _form partial to have the helper called:

<%= file_column_field("home_images", "filename") %>

You also shouldn’t need to call out your model unless rails is
choking on it.


On Feb 13, 2006, at 6:59 PM, Brandon wrote:

still get this error:
Do I need to “require” the plugin anywhere? It looks like it doesn’t
recognize that it exists.

John A.
[email protected]

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