Sorting issue

I’ve got the following setup:

category (hm) <-> (bt) activity

An activity has an amount, date, location, note, and category. I’m
sorting my activities table by category_id (foreign key in activity),
but how do I sort it by category_name instead? Basically I just need
category_name in the result set. Here’s what I have now:

@all = Activity.find(:all, :order => ‘category’)

How do I grab the category_name column from Category so that it is part
of @all?


On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 10:02:36PM +0100, Chris S. wrote:

How do I grab the category_name column from Category so that it is part
of @all?

You can eagerly load the category then reference one of its columns in

Activity.find(:all, :include => :category, :order => ‘’)


Marcel Molina Jr. wrote:

On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 10:02:36PM +0100, Chris S. wrote:

How do I grab the category_name column from Category so that it is part
of @all?

You can eagerly load the category then reference one of its columns in

Activity.find(:all, :include => :category, :order => ‘’)


Awesome, thanks. I knew it was something straightforward.