Looping through all models in the application


I have an application that depends on a table/model
(ModelInternationalization) that provides international translations in
various languages for all the model/table and columns names as well as
some other stuff (whether the column is visible on forms, dropdowns,
lists, reports etc).

I need to create a management interface for this translation stuff (the
plaintext stuff, btw, will be handled by GetText). To do this, I need to
loop through all the models in the application and check if they are
present for the currently selected language in the translation model.
Maybe some pseudocode would help clarify

for m in Application models
<%= h m.model.name %>

Essentially, this would loop through all the models available to the
application and just display it’s name. Ofcourse, the actually code is
much more complex.

Is there a collection of the available models somewhere? Or do I need to
goof it up and just parse the directory listing of the app/models
directory? Or worse, create a table with just the names of the models
and loop through that?

Henning P.

On 1/5/06, Henning K. Pedersen [email protected] wrote:

loop through all the models in the application and check if they are

Is there a collection of the available models somewhere? Or do I need to
goof it up and just parse the directory listing of the app/models
directory? Or worse, create a table with just the names of the models
and loop through that?

This is really ugly, but this will give you a list of all objects that
subclass from ActiveRecord::Base (which are all your models):

ObjectSpace.each_object do |object|
if object.class == Class and object.superclass == ActiveRecord::Base
puts object.to_s

You’ll probably need to skip CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session
if you use ActiveRecordStore for your sessions.

  • Jamie