Updating Attributes in a HABTM Join Table

Is there a way to update attributes in a HABTM join table? Right now
I am deleting the join and then recreating it with new attributes.

I have a table “categories” and another table “items”. They are both
HABTM with the join table “categories_items” between them. If an item
is joined to a category once, no problem, we create the join. But if
an item is joined to a category more than once, I want to record the
subsequent hit in a field called “cat_count” which exists in the join

def add_category( category_id_as_str )

category = Category.find(category_id_as_str.to_i)

if self.categories.include?(category)
	old_count = self.categories.find(category.id).cat_count.to_i
	old_count = 0
self.categories.push_with_attributes(category, :cat_count =>

old_count + 1)

It seems like there should be a way to update the join instead of
deleting and recreating it. I know I could always turn the join into
a model–I’ve done that before but it seems like overkill for
something so simple as this. If it knows both unique ids, it should
possible. Is there a way to update a HABTM join attribute with a
method similar to push_with_attributes? Seems like there should be
something like:

Object.collection.update_attributes(collection_id, attribute => value)


Kevin S. wrote:

Is there a way to update attributes in a HABTM join table? Right now I
am deleting the join and then recreating it with new attributes.


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