[ANN] Instant Rails 1.0 Release Candidate 1

This release upgrades the included Ruby to version 1.8.4 and will become
final 1.0 release of Instant Rails if no serious problems are found.

Instant Rails is a one-stop Rails runtime solution containing Ruby,
Apache, and MySQL, all preconfigured and ready to run. No installer, you
simply drop it into the directory of your choice and run it. It does not
modify your system environment. This release of Instant Rails is for
Windows, but there are plans for ports to Linux, BSD, and OSX.

The Instant Rails home page has links for downloading and getting
with Instant Rails:


If you already have Instant Rails installed, then be sure to read the
upgrade instructions:


Instant Rails – Change Log

2006.01.03 Instant Rails 1.0 RC1

  • Reverted Instant Rails Manager to use the file extension
    associations for editing config and log files and added
    an Instant Rails preference item to force the use of
    Notepad.exe (necessary if you have VMWare installed).

  • Configure SCGI now initializes the dialog with the current
    settings instead of default values.

  • Replaced One-Click Ruby Installer 1.8.2 with
    ruby-mswin32 1.8.4 (which is what 1.8.4 of the One-Click
    one-click installer will be built upon).

2005.12.24 Instant Rails 1.0 preview8

  • Restored missing log directories in the sample apps.

2005.12.13 Instant Rails 1.0 preview7
(preview6 was a bad release)

  • Included Typo 2.6.0 as a sample app

  • Included RedCloth 3.0.4, BlueCloth 1.0.0, and RubyPants 0.2.0
    (used as text formatters by Typo).

  • Upgraded Rails to 1.0 final

  • Instant Rails now detects being run from a directory path
    that containd spaces, issues a warning, and quits.

2005-11-08: Instant Rails 1.0 preview5

  • Upgraded Rails to Rails 1.0: The Release Candidate 4 (aka 0.14.3)

2005-11-01: Instant Rails 1.0 preview4

  • Added mysql\bin to the path in console windows.

2005-10-27: Instant Rails 1.0 preview3

  • Upgraded Rails to Rails 1.0: The Release Candidate 3 (aka 0.14.2)

  • Upgraded to SCGI Rails Runer 0.4.3

  • Added “fxri” to the help menu.

  • Fixed a problem where console windows were being opened in the
    wrong current directory. This meant that ruby\bin wasn’t being
    put on the path which, in turn, meant you couldn’t execute the
    “gem” or “rails” commands.

  • Fixed several minor problems.

  • Created this change log! Also, added a ToDo.txt file.

Curt H. [email protected] writes:

This release upgrades the included Ruby to version 1.8.4 and will become the
final 1.0 release of Instant Rails if no serious problems are found.

Instant Rails – Change Log

  • Included RedCloth 3.0.4, BlueCloth 1.0.0, and RubyPants 0.2.0
    (used as text formatters by Typo).

I just noticed this, very cool. :slight_smile: