RRobots (#59)

The tournament has been run, so let’s begin with the official results.
You can
find the complete statistics here:


Briefly though, here are the total wins:

| Bot              | Wins  |
| Ente             | 241.5 |
| RubberDuck       | 228.0 |
| RubberDuckLinear | 179.0 |
| WKB              | 177.5 |
| Kite2            | 165.0 |
| DuckBill09       | 161.0 |
| CloseTalker      | 153.0 |
| GayRush          | 115.0 |
| HornRobot        | 108.0 |
| Harlock          |  67.0 |
| SporkBot         |  55.0 |

Looks like our big winner was Ente. I’m told that’s German for duck.
Congratulations to Jannis Harder, Ente’s creator.

Ente is just shy of 500 lines of code, so we’re going to get the short
below. As always, I suggest looking at the actual code. Here’s the
start of
the robot:

require 'robot'

class << Module.new # anonymous container

  module RobotMath

    def weighted_linear_regression(data)
      # ...

    def zero_fixed_linear_regression(data)
      # ...

    def offset(heading_a,heading_b = 0)
      # ...


  # ...

Obviously, we have the required module for the robot interface. Then we
see the
definition of some simple math helpers.

The interesting part of the above code to me was the second line. Since
code has no need to refer to the defined modules, classes, and methods
of its own scope, the whole mess added to an anonymous namespace. That
like a clever way to guard against name collision, among other uses.

One of the larger tasks all the robots had to deal with was turning.
You have
to ensure your robot, radar, and gun are facing where you need at any
time. Ente has a whole module of helpers for this:

  # ...

  module Turnarounder
    # ...

    def head_to deg  # ...
    def head_gun_to deg  # ...
    def head_radar_to deg  # ...
    def next_delta_heading  # ...
    alias turn_amount next_delta_heading
    def ready?  # ...
    def next_heading  # ...
    def turn_gun_amount  # ...
    def gun_ready?  # ...
    def next_delta_gun_heading  # ...
    def next_gun_heading  # ...
    def turn_radar_amount  # ...
    def radar_ready?  # ...
    def next_delta_radar_heading  # ...
    def next_radar_heading  # ...
    def final_turn  # ...
    def turn x  # ...
    def turn_gun x  # ...
    def turn_radar x  # ...
    def mid_radar_heading  # ...


  # ...

The functionality of those methods should be fairly obvious from the
names and
we will see them put to use in a bit.

Next we have a module for movement:

  # ...

  module Pointanizer
    include Math
    include RobotMath
    include Turnarounder

    def move_to x,y
      @move_x = x
      @move_y = y
      @move_mode = :to

    def move mode,x,y
      @move_x,@move_y = x,y
      @move_mode = mode

    def halt
      @move_mode = false

    def moving?

    def on_wall?
      xcor <= size*3 or ycor <= size*3 or
      battlefield_width - xcor <= size*3 or
      battlefield_height - ycor <= size*3

    def final_point

        yc = ycor-@move_y rescue 0
        xc = @move_x-xcor rescue 0

        if hypot(yc,xc) < size/3
          @move_mode = false

        acc = true

        case @move_mode
        when :to
          head_to atan2(yc,xc).to_deg
        when :away
          head_to atan2(yc,xc).to_deg+180
        when :side_a
          head_to atan2(yc,xc).to_deg+60
        when :side_b
          head_to atan2(yc,xc).to_deg-60
        when nil,false
          acc = false
          raise "Unknown move mode!"

        accelerate(8) if acc


    def rad_to_xy(r,d)
      return xcor + cos(r.to_rad)*d, \
             ycor - sin(r.to_rad)*d


  # ...

We’re starting to see robot specific knowledge here. This module deals
robot movement. The methods move() and move_to() are used to set a new
destination, or halt() can stop the robot.

If you glance through final_point(), you will see the various movement
this robot uses. For example, :away will turn you 180 degrees so you
“away” from the indicated destination.

Now we’re ready for a look at Ente’s brain:

  # ...

  class Brain
    include Math
    include RobotMath
    include Turnarounder
    include Pointanizer

    # ...

    attr_accessor :predx, :predy

    def initialize(robot)
      @robot = robot

      @points = []

      @last_seen_time = -TRACK_TIMEOUT

      @radar_speed = 1
      @track_mul = 1

      @searching =0
      @seeking =0

      @move_direction = 1
      @lasthitcount = 0
      @lasthitcount2 = false
      @lastchange = -TIMEOUT

    # ...

    def predict ptime
      # ...

    def predcurrent
      @predx,@predy = predict time unless @predx

    def tick events

      fire 0.1

      #event processing

      # ...


      # ...


      # ...


      # ...


    def method_missing(*args,&block)


  # ...

The majority of that is the tick() method, of course. It’s quite a
beast and
I’m not even going to try to predict all that it does. The comments in
it will
tell you what the following calculations are for, at least. (Jannis
should feel
free to reply with a detailed breakdown… :smiley: )

One thing that is interesting in the above code is the use of the passed
@robot. Take a look at the first line in the constructor and the
definition of
method_missing() at the end of this class. In order to understand that,
we need
to see the last class:

  # ...

  class Proxy
    include ::Robot

    def initialize
      @brain = Brain.new(self)

    EXPORT_MAP = Hash.new{|h,k|k}

    EXPORT_MAP['xcor'] = 'x'
    EXPORT_MAP['ycor'] = 'y'
    EXPORT_MAP['proxy_turn'] = 'turn'
    EXPORT_MAP['proxy_turn_gun'] = 'turn_gun'
    EXPORT_MAP['proxy_turn_radar'] = 'turn_radar'

    def relay(method,*args,&block)

    def tick events
      @brain.tick events


  # ...

As you can see, Proxy ties together the Brain class and the Robot module
with a
combination of relay() and the Brain.method_missing() we saw earlier.
You could
swap out brains by changing the assignment in initialize(), or even
@brain at runtime to switch behaviors.

Only one issue remains. RRobots is expecting an Ente class to be
defined but we
haven’t seen that yet. That needs to be resolved before we leave this
namespace we’re in and lose access to all of these classes. Here’s the
chunk of code that handles just that:

  # ...

  classname = "Ente"
  unless Object.const_defined?(classname)

A new class is created by subclassing Proxy and that class is assigned
to a
constant on Object by the name of Ente. That ensures RRobots will find
what it
expects when the time comes.

My thanks to all the robot coders, especially for the robots I didn’t
above. They all wrote some interesting code. Also, a big thank you to
Kroeger who helped me setup this quiz, and ran the final tournament.

Tomorrow, Christer N. has a fun little maze of numbers for us…

On Dec 29, 2005, at 9:18 AM, Ruby Q. wrote:

| DuckBill09 | 161.0 |
| CloseTalker | 153.0 |
| GayRush | 115.0 |
| HornRobot | 108.0 |
| Harlock | 67.0 |
| SporkBot | 55.0 |

It has been pointed out that EdBot is missing from the statistics.
This is an error on the part of the quiz runners, and we are working
to correct it…

Sorry about that.

James Edward G. II

I’m realy sorry!

I double checked the ML for ‘rrobot’ and ‘59’ but missed “[SOLUTION]
Robot”. Again, thats my fault - new tournament results will follow soon.



On Dec 29, 2005, at 9:38 AM, James Edward G. II wrote:

| WKB | 177.5 |
This is an error on the part of the quiz runners, and we are
working to correct it…

Updated results are now online at:


James Edward G. II

Ok, i ran a quick tournament with 3 matches per round just to see if
there are major impacts on the ranking:

  | Bot              | Wins  |
  | Ente             |  31.0 |
  | RubberDuck       |  30.0 |
  | Kite2            |  20.0 |
  | DuckBill09       |  18.0 |
  | RubberDuckLinear |  18.0 |
  | CloseTalker      |  17.0 |
  | WKB              |  15.0 |
  | GayRush          |  15.0 |
  | EdBot            |  13.0 |
  | HornRobot        |   7.0 |
  | Harlock          |   7.0 |
  | SporkBot         |   7.0 |

I will start a 30 match tournament, but this will take some hours to



On 12/29/05, Ruby Q. [email protected] wrote:

Looks like our big winner was Ente. I’m told that’s German for duck.
Congratulations to Jannis Harder, Ente’s creator.

Ente is just shy of 500 lines of code, so we’re going to get the short version
below. As always, I suggest looking at the actual code. Here’s the start of
the robot:

My head exploded reading that. I wish I didn’t hate math so much. :frowning:

On Dec 30, 2005, at 3:52 AM, Joe Van D. wrote:

My head exploded reading that. I wish I didn’t hate math so
much. :frowning:

There was definitely a pattern to the big winners: Lots of math. :wink:

James Edward G. II