Plugin question

In the rails app I’m making, I dropped MiniMagick into the vendor folder
(vendor/mini_magick). In my controller, when I call:

image = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(path)

…I get a “uninitialized constant MiniMagick” error. From what I can
tell, installing a plugin such as this should be as simple as dropping
it into the vendor folder, then accessing its functions from the
controller, but obviously not. Browsing some similar issues, I’ve
checked to make sure ImageMagick works (“convert test.gif testjpg”), and
double-checked that RMagick was installed (“gem install rmagick”). Any
ideas from someone who’s installed MiniMagick, or a plugin with similar

Make sure it’s in the vendor/plugins directory. It’s a plugin and won’t
work correctly unless you put it in the “plugins” directory.

Geoffrey Grosenbach wrote:

Make sure it’s in the vendor/plugins directory. It’s a plugin and won’t
work correctly unless you put it in the “plugins” directory.

My vendor directory lacked a plugin subdirectory, which confused me.
Checking, it appears my Rails version is 0.13.1, which I’ve gathered
might be a problem when dealing with plugins. I’m going to go through
the process of upgrading to 1.0, and see if that fixes the problem.
Thanks for your help!