Character safe CSV parser

I was running into difficulties with the CSV library in Ruby. I had
some files that were exports from a Filemaker database, and it had
newline and vtab characters within strings. This seemed to cause
problems for the library. I ended up making my own method that would
parse a file character by character (not using readline). I know that
it might be better to use a Regex expression, or specify the character
delimiter for rows in the readline method. But the method I made seems
a bit flexible for different types of characters. Please feel free to
use it or rip it apart. Any suggestions are welcome as well.

linesafe_parse_csv by Sean W. ( sean at i heart squares dot com)

© 2005 Sean W. (GPL license applies)

Implementation of a CSV parser that is safe to use with

strings that may contain newline or other special characters.

Accepts arguments to specify the Field, string and row delimiter,

along with an escape character, and a character stripper.

A block can be passed to the method and will be passed an array

of strings for each row.


Column_Names = [ :id, :first_name, :last_name, :email ]

table = {}

file =“mycsv_file.csv”, “r”)

linesafe_parse_csv(file, “,”, ‘"’, “\r”, “\”, “\v”) do


table_row = {}

for index in 0…csv_row.length

table_row[Column_Names[index]] = csv_row[index]


table[table_row[:id]] = table_row




def linesafe_parse_csv(file, cell_delim, string_delim, row_delim,
esc_delim, chars_to_elim)
# reading characters from a file returns a fixednum
# this conversion of the string will help comparisons
str_dim_i = string_delim[0]
cell_dim_i = cell_delim[0]
row_dim_i = row_delim[0]
esc_dim_i = esc_delim[0]

# loop until the end of file
while !file.eof?
  row = []
  in_str = false
  in_esc = false
  newrow = false
  value = ""

  # loop throught and parse a row.
  while !newrow && !file.eof?
    char = file.getc

    # handle what to do with the char
    if char == str_dim_i
      if !in_str
        in_str = true
      elsif !in_esc
        in_str = false
        value << char
        in_esc = false
    elsif char == esc_dim_i
      if !in_esc
        in_esc = true
        value << char
        in_esc = false
    elsif char == row_dim_i
      if !in_str
        # handle nil values
        if value == ''
          row << nil
          # we strip any unwanted characters before
          # adding them to the row array
          row <<, '').strip
          value = ''
        newrow = true
        value << char
    elsif char == cell_dim_i
      if !in_str && !in_esc
        # handle nil values
        if value == ''
          row << nil
          row <<, '').strip
          value = ''
        value = ''
      elsif in_esc
        value << char
        in_esc = false
        value << char
      value << char

  #return the row to the calling function
  yield row


On Dec 23, 2005, at 3:47 AM, [email protected] wrote:

I was running into difficulties with the CSV library in Ruby. I had
some files that were exports from a Filemaker database, and it had
newline and vtab characters within strings.

In quoted or unquoted fields? If it was quoted, I’m confident
FasterCSV[1] would parse it correctly. If it’s unquoted, it’s
malformed CSV and all bets are off. :wink:


James Edward G. II

Interesting. I didn’t see this package when I was searching for info on
CSV and Ruby. The fields do use quoted text. The reason I looked into
my own method was that the CSV Library in Ruby , and a lot of other
methods would not work right if a string(inside quotes) had a newline
character (or other control characters for that matter).

I’ll try out the FasterCSV, and see how it works for me.


On Dec 23, 2005, at 12:22 PM, [email protected] wrote:

I’ll try out the FasterCSV, and see how it works for me.

Great. An if you run into problems, please let me know because it is
suppose to work… :wink:

James Edward G. II

Hi, sorry if this seems a little daft, but in your documents you
frequently refere to a file called FasterCSV, which I imagine to be a
document of some kind on it’s dev use. None of the archives on
RubyForge seem to contain that file. Even looking at faster_csv.rb
refers to this file.

Is it somewhere where I’m not looking?

On Dec 23, 2005, at 2:42 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Hi, sorry if this seems a little daft, but in your documents you
frequently refere to a file called FasterCSV, which I imagine to be a
document of some kind on it’s dev use. None of the archives on
RubyForge seem to contain that file. Even looking at faster_csv.rb
refers to this file.

Is it somewhere where I’m not looking?

I’m not sure I understand the question.

FasterCSV is the primary interface class the library provides you.
The class is documented here:

If that didn’t cover what you were asking, try me again. I must just
be misunderstanding…

James Edward G. II

Ahh there we go! I guess what I was trying to ask is what you just sent
me. But in the README and FasterCSV file I see this:

README (line 49 -51):
"== Documentation

See FasterCSV for documentation."

and this in faster_csv.rb (Line 8)
"# See FasterCSV for documentation. "

Because of that I was assuming that there should have been a file
called “FasterCSV” like the “README” file in the project package. I
didn’t see any URL anywhere.

But regardless, I get the following error:
Unquoted fields do not allow \r or \n.

RAILS_ROOT: ./script/…/config/…
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace

shift' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/import_controller.rb:41:injoin’
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/import_controller.rb:41:in `upload’

This is strange since all fields are quoted. It could be because of the
Vertical tab characters that are in the file.

I called the library like so…
faster_csv =, :row_sep => “\r”)
faster_csv.each do |csv_row|
table_row = {}
for index in 0…csv_row.length
table_row[columns[index]] = csv_row[index].sub("\v",
“\n”) if csv_row[index]
table[table_row[id_symbol]] = table_row

The CSV file is an export from a user’s FileMaker database that will
then get uploaded to this rails app to be parsed into a MySql database.
Here is a little exerpt from FileMaker about their CSV export format (I
hope this is of help):

  1. No other control characters (<=$1F (less than or equal to decimal 31)) are generated during export, but embedded control characters are exported as themselves excepting as specified in #2 and #3 above.

  2. Accented characters are exported as themselves without remapping from the platform’s normal character set: ’ $8C (140) is exported as $8C (decimal 140) on the Mac - it is NOT remapped to $86 (decimal 134) which is the equivalent ASCII character.


On Dec 23, 2005, at 3:27 PM, [email protected] wrote:

"# See FasterCSV for documentation. "

Because of that I was assuming that there should have been a file
called “FasterCSV” like the “README” file in the project package. I
didn’t see any URL anywhere.

RDoc makes sure it gets linked up correctly when it generates the
documentation for me.

But regardless, I get the following error:
Unquoted fields do not allow \r or \n.

We’re probably boring the others with this discussion, so now is a
good time to take it off-list. Please respond to this message
privately ([email protected]) and I will help you resolve this.

I suspect it’s a line-ending issue. Is the file something you can
zip up and send to me? I bet I can clear it up pretty quickly that

James Edward G. II