Re: move to front of array

While flatten might be acceptable for this usecase, be aware that if you
have nested arrays, that nesting will be lost.

a,b = array.partition {|x| x =~ /cool/i}
array = a+b

is safer, or alternatively:

class Array
def flatten_once
self.inject([]) {|a,x| a.concat(x)}

array = array.partition {|x| x=~ /cool/i}.flatten_once

Unless you only want one of the matching elements to move forward:

looking = true
array = array.partition {|x| looking && !(looking = !(x=~ /cool/i))


array = array.index(

=> [“a”, “B”, “c”, “d”, “Cool”, “e”, “f”, “G”, “Cool”, “Cooler”]
array = array.partition{ |el| el =~ /cool/i }.flatten!
=> [“Cool”, “Cool”, “Cooler”, “a”, “B”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “f”, “G”]

I was uncertain about needing parenthesis before applying
flatten but it makes perfect sense:

array = (array.partition{ |el| el =~ /cool/i }).flatten!
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