How to update gems package version listed by rubygems?

How to tell rubygems to update gems package version?

I had released my software (named ‘kwalify’) version 0.4.1
and have just released 0.5.0.
It is uploaded to RubyForge, but rubygems shows old version.

example: rubygems show old version.
$ gem list --remote kwalify

Updating Gem source index for:

kwalify (0.3.0, 0.2.0, 0.1.0)
    a tiny schema validator for YAML document.

Could you tell me how to update latest yaml metadata used by rubygems?

On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 06:34:50 -0000, kwatch [email protected] wrote:

How to tell rubygems to update gems package version?

I just had a look through your Gem, and it looks to me like you’ve been
hit with an incompatibility between YAML and Ruby 1.8.3. It was
a bit here recently but I can’t find the thread :frowning:

If that does sound like you (on Ruby 1.8.3) then you could try the
following workaround (I have it in my Rakefile):

Quick fix for Ruby 1.8.3 / YAML bug

if (RUBY_VERSION == ‘1.8.3’)
def spec.to_yaml
out = super
out = '— ’ + out unless out =~ /^—/

Hope that helps,

Thanks Ross, I adopt your workaround and confirmed that
my *.gem package is listed by ‘gem list --remote’.

On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 22:01:06 -0000, kwatch [email protected] wrote:

Thanks Ross, I adopt your workaround and confirmed that
my *.gem package is listed by ‘gem list --remote’.

You’re welcome, but we should really thank the person who posted it
before, when I was stuck on this same thing :wink:
(As I say, I can’t find it in the archive, but thanks again whoever it