Code from famous RoR video?

Does anyone know where I could get text file with the code from the
famous video where they create a Weblog in 15 minutes – The one that’s
here: href="

(I can’t just watch it here at work, and I’d like to avoid having to
re-type everything in any case.)


I think typing it out is part of the learning process.
There really isn’t that much to it, and there are some commandline
you’ll have to run anyway.

I appreciate your concern for proper pedagogy, but I just want to get a
look at the code.

Anyone know if it’s on the net anywhere?

When I first watched it I thought a transcript would be nice since the
is sooooo freakin’ fast:)

Well, you can always pause and take a shot of the screen - for


On 16/12/05, Peter M. [email protected] wrote:

When I first watched it I thought a transcript would be nice since the
is sooooo freakin’ fast:)

me too…i thought it was made fast just to emphasize how super
rails is…rails has lived up to it i must say.

Peter M. wrote:

When I first watched it I thought a transcript would be nice since the
video is sooooo freakin’ fast:)

Not a transcript of the soundtrack (Whoops!), but these are the steps
being demonstrated, with some notes in []:

In terminal session in ~/demos directory

$ rails brablog
$ cd brablog
$ ./script/server

[don’t really need ./ in front of any script/xxx commands]

copy URL to Safari, see Congrats page

In a new terminal session

$ cd demos/brablog
$ e .
[opens the directory in TextMate - ‘mate’ is the usual command]
$ ./script/generate controller
$ ./script/generate controller blog

Open app/controllers/blog_controller.rb in TextMate

…no action responded to index

In blog_controller.rb, add

def index
render :text => “Hello World!”

Refresh brower - see “Hello World!”

Remove “render :text” line from controller

Create new file index.rhtml in app/views/blog,

hello from the template

Refresh browser - see “hello from the template”

remove action method completely, refresh browser - still works

Edit config/database.yml

adapter: mysql
database: blog_development
username: root

adapter: mysql
database: blog_test
username: root


In CocoaMySQL, connected as root@localhost,
create new database: blog_development
create new table: posts
(structure tab)
id int not null auto_increment primary key
title varchar(255)

[table type should be InnoDB]

Restart WEBrick in first terminal session

Back in second terminal,

$ ./script generate model
(see the help for this generator)

$ ./script/generate model Post

In TextMate, show app/models/post.rb
then edit blog_controller.rb, adding:

scaffold :post

Refresh browser - see Listing posts page
New post “Hello Brazil!”
(don’t save)

In CocoaMySQL, add a field named ‘body’ with type text.
(click off the row to save the change)

Refresh browser - see the body text area
Enter “Yes, yes, hello indeed!” and click Update
Edit (don’t save)

In CocoaMySQL, add a field name ‘created_at’ with type datetime.
(click off the row to save the change)

Refresh browser - see the date/time selectors - want to move them above
the body - return to CocoaMySQL, and drag the created_at field above the
body field.

Refresh browser. Change the seconds, click Update.
Back to list
New post (don’t enter anything yet)

In TextMate, in app/models/post.rb, add

validates_presence_of :title

in browser, click Create - see validation error
[I don’t see style on error summary; do see red border on field.]

Put in title: “Better fill it in, then!”
Put in body: “Aye, aye, sir”
click Create - ok

In terminal,
$ ./script/generate scaffold
(see help)
$ ./script/generate scaffold Post Blog
(answer ‘a’ to the prompt about overwriting blog_controller.rb)

Refresh the browser - still see list of posts.

In TextMate, show all the new methods in blog_controller.rb
Fold them all (shift-command-2 toggles folding at level 2)

Open app/views/blog/list.rhtml, and change it to:

My wonderful weblog

<% for post in @posts %>

<%= link_to post.title, :action => 'show', :id => post %>

<%= post.body %>

<%= post.created_at.to_s(:long)%> (<%= link_to 'Edit', :action => 'edit', :id => post %>)

<% end %>

<%= link_to ‘New post’, :action => ‘new’ %>

[should escape user-entered text with h()]

Refresh the browser - looks good.

Show that the show and edit functionality is still the same.

New post,
title “Let’s just add a third, for good measure”
body “Oh yeah”
Create - see the list.

We want the latest post to be at the top.
[Note that the app is depending on order of records retrieved,
with no ORDER BY in the SQL]

In app/views/blog/list.rhtml change the for loop to be

<% for post in @posts.reverse %>

Refresh the browser

Edit the “Better fill it in, then!” post, changing the body
to “Aye, aye, sir
click Edit

In app/views/blog/list.rhtml change

 <p><%= post.body %></p>


 <p><%= textilize(post.body) %></p>

Now we want to use the same formatting in show and in list…

In app/controllers/blog_controller.rb, edit the list method to be

def list
@posts = Post.find(:all)

[could put ordering by created_at here]

In app/views/blog/list.rhtml select the whole div within the for loop,
cut it, paste it into a new file app/views/blog/_post.rhtml, then save.

Back in app/views/blog/list.rhtml, replace the now-empty for loop by

<%= render :partial => “post”, :collection => @posts.reverse %>

Now edit app/views/blog/show.rhtml. Delete the for loop and
replace it with

<%= render :partial => “post”, :object => @post %>

In the browser, show the “Better fill it in, then!” comment.

[Note - the partial includes show and edit links - don’t need
the other edit link at the bottom]

Now implement comments on posts:

In the terminal,

$ ./script/generate model Comment

In app/models/comment.rb, add

belongs_to :post

In app/models/post.rb, add

has_many :comments

In CocoaMySQL, create table ‘comments’ with fields
id int auto_increment primary key
body text
post_id int

In the Contents tab, populate a row with post_id 1, and body
“Yes, I agree with the hello!”

In app/views/blog/show.rhtml, at the bottom, add

<% for comment in @post.comments %>
<%= comment.body %>

<% end %>

Browse to show this item, see that the comment is there, but it’s
displayed right after the Back link.

In app/views/blog/show.rhtml, after the Back link, add


Check in browser. Now we need to be able to add comments.
In app/views/blog/show.rhtml, at the bottom, add

<%= form_tag :action => ‘comment’, :id => @post %>
<%= text_area “comment”, “body” %>

<%= submit_tag “Comment!”%>

Check that this displays in the browser, then come back and
wire it into the application:

In the controller, add

def comment
flash[:notice] = “Added your comment.”
redirect_to :action => “show”, :id => params[:id]

Refresh the browser, then add a comment “Me too, me too!”

Go back to the list.

Now look at the statistics for this project: in the terminal

$ rake stats

Look at the log:

$ tail -f log/development.log

Show the log updating as a post is shown in the browser.

In CocoaMySQL, create database ‘blog_test’.

In the terminal, Ctrl-C out of tail, then

$ rake test_units
See tests run, 2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Put in a real test: in test/unit/post_test.rb, add setup method
[was already there in movie, not in Rails 1.0]

def setup
@post = Post.find(1)

and replace the test_truth method with:

def test_adding_comment
@post.comments.create :body => “My new comment”
@assert_equal 1, @post.comments.size

$ rake test_units succeeds

Break the test, by comparing with 2 rather than 1 - see the test fail:

  1. Failure:
    test_adding_comments(PostTest) [./test/unit/post_test.rb:13]:
    <2> expected but was

Now look at the console:

$ ./script/console
Loading development environment

p = Post.find :first
=> #<Post:0x245d12c @attributes={“title”=>“Hello Brazil!”, “body”=>“Yes,
yes, hello indeed!”, “id”=>“1”, “created_at”=>“2005-06-02 20:43:00”}>
p.title = “Hello Denmark!”
=> “Hello Denmark!”
=> true

Look at the list in the browser - see the change.

Back in the console:

p.comments.create :body => “Greeting to the cold north”
=> #<Comment:0x244813c @attributes={“body”=>“Greeting to the cold
north”, …>
p.comments.create :body => “Greeting to the super, super cold north”
=> #<Comment:0x243ee20 @attributes={“body”=>"Greeting to the super,
=> [#<Comment:0x2446af8 @attributes={“body”=>“Yes, I agree with the

Look at the list in the browser, show the Hello Denmark! post,
and see the comments.

Back in the console:

=> #<Post:0x229bbcc @attributes={“body”=>"Yes, >
[structure here is different from that in the movie]

Look at the list in the browser - the post has gone.

[But looking in CocoaMySQL, the comments haven’t.]

that’s it!

