Help with fcgi installation


I’m trying to install fcgi-0.8.6 on Mac OS X but I keep getting this

install.rb: entering config phase…
—> lib
<— lib
—> ext
—> ext/fcgi
/usr/bin/ruby /usr/local/src/ruby-fcgi-0.8.6/ext/fcgi/extconf.rb
can’t find header files for ruby.
config failed
'system /usr/bin/ruby
/usr/local/src/ruby-fcgi-0.8.6/ext/fcgi/extconf.rb ’ failed

On 15/12/05, Francis V. [email protected] wrote:

can’t find header files for ruby.
Sounds like that’s the problem - you should have a ruby.h file
(among others). Google seems to think you should install the
XCode development stuff.

I have XCode 2.1 installed already. Where do I find the location of
ruby.h if XCode tools is already installed?

Francis V. wrote:

I have XCode 2.1 installed already. Where do I find the location of
ruby.h if XCode tools is already installed?

I do not know how OSX works, so try the *x way;
open a console and type in:

find / -iname ‘ruby.h’

It tries to locate the file in any directory
under the root. If the file is found, you will
see its location. You can then provide this
location to extconf.

If the file is not found, you must look for
some sort of alternative ‘development’ package
(or you could use Fink or DarwinPorts) to get
the headers.


Thanks Eero, I was able to install it finally.