Gem errors

I’m trying to get going with Rails, but gem is giving me errors with
incredible frequency. I’ve tried this on WinXP and on RHEL. On both, I
frequently get:

ERROR: While executing gem … (SocketError)
getaddrinfo: no address associated with hostname.

On WinXP, I get this all the time as well:

Attempting local installation of ‘rails’
Local gem file not found: rails*.gem
Attempting remote installation of ‘rails’
Install required dependency activesupport? [Yn]
ERROR: While executing gem … (OpenURI::HTTPError)
300 Multiple Choices

On Thu, 2005-12-08 at 22:23 +0900, Gem errors wrote:

Local gem file not found: rails*.gem
Attempting remote installation of ‘rails’
Install required dependency activesupport? [Yn]
ERROR: While executing gem … (OpenURI::HTTPError)
300 Multiple Choices

Hm, yup, there seems to be some problems with the gem mirroring system.
I’ve pulled one of the mirrors from the rotation, that should clear it
up… if it doesn’t, pls let me know.

