Going back to where you came from


I have a page (A) that contains a table with links in one column.
When the user hits a link it goes to another page (B) which is a read
only form page with a done button. This page (B) is being reused in
various parts of the app read pages © and (D). Thus when the user
clicks ‘Done’ it needs to return back to where she comes from ie either
(A), © or (D). I thought with the new Rails 0.14.3 I could just do
redirect_to :back and all my ills would be cured.
But… this redirects me back to where I currently am ie (B).

I am sure this is a very common problem out there. In my java life I
would create something in the session and consume it when this exact
situation arises.

Is there a magic rails spell that I could use for this situation ? I
am not sure how to get the URL of page (A) so I can stach it in the
session for later retrieval or somehow push both the controller and
action of the page where the request was originated (??)

Sample code please…

Thank you all !!

On 1.12.2005, at 8.37, KiteSurfer KiteSurfer wrote:

But… this redirects me back to where I currently am ie (B).
action of the page where the request was originated (??)

Sample code please…

def authenticate
unless session[:user_id]
session[:return_to] = @request.request_uri
redirect_to :controller => “login”
return false


def login
if @user = User.authenticate(params[:name], params[:password])
session[:user_id] = @user.id
if session[:return_to]
session[:return_to] = nil

(lots of lines omitted warning)


Good stuff. Thank you both !!

here is what we did - i think you can easily adapt it to fort your
particular issue


On Dec 1, 2005, at 12:18 AM, Jarkko L. wrote:

situation ? I
am not sure how to get the URL of page (A) so I can stach it in the
session for later retrieval or somehow push both the controller and
action of the page where the request was originated (??)

Sample code please…

def store_location
@session[‘return-to’] = @request.request_uri

move to the last store_location call or to the passed default one

def redirect_back_or_default(default)
if @session[‘return-to’].nil?
redirect_to default
redirect_to_url @session[‘return-to’]
@session[‘return-to’] = nil

Then you can put a call to store location before you redirect to a
new page. Then once they finish with that page you call
redirect_back_or_default to send them to the location stored in the


-Ezra Z.
Yakima Herald-Republic Newspaper
[email protected]