Re: string range membership


What about Range#include?? Would it still be an
alias for Range#member?, or would it retain the
current interval check?

No decided yet. Feel free to say your opinion.

Well, I tend to agree with your previous decision on this.  Having

Enumerable#include? be an alias for Enumerable#member? (or vice-versa),
but having Range#include? behave differently from Range#member? would be
confusing. I think it would be better to leave these two methods as
aliases and add a new method to Range for the interval check. My
leading candidate for this method is now David A. Black’s suggestion of
#encompass?. This is a great name and I really like his idea of
extending it to accept Ranges as parameters so that
(1…10).encompass?(2…9) == true. Other synonyms could also work:
#enclose?, #surround?, and even #contain?.

- Warren B.

On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, Warren B. wrote:

but having Range#include? behave differently from Range#member? would be
confusing. I think it would be better to leave these two methods as
aliases and add a new method to Range for the interval check. My
leading candidate for this method is now David A. Black’s suggestion of
#encompass?. This is a great name and I really like his idea of
extending it to accept Ranges as parameters so that
(1…10).encompass?(2…9) == true. Other synonyms could also work:
#enclose?, #surround?, and even #contain?.

reading this just gave me a new idea: first of all, i think this method
should be a verb so that it implies a loop and test, rather than a
test. this is important because the method is, potentally, extremely
expensive. shortening you suggesting then, how about

(0 … 42).pass? 42 #=> false
(0 … 42).pass? 42 #=> false

for example:

harp:~ > cat a.rb
module Enumerable
# Enumerable#pass? member
# true if the each method will yield member
def pass? member
each{|element| return(element ? element : true) if member ===
return nil

p (0 … 42).pass?(42)
p (0 … 42).pass?(42)
p [0,1,2,nil].pass?(nil)

open(".bashrc") do |f|
if ((line = f.pass? %r/screen/))
puts line

harp:~ > ruby a.rb
alias ss='screen -S ’



Hi –

On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, [email protected] wrote:

Well, I tend to agree with your previous decision on this. Having
reading this just gave me a new idea: first of all, i think this method
should be a verb so that it implies a loop and test, rather than a simply
test. this is important because the method is, potentally, extremely

“encompass” is a verb :slight_smile:

shortening you suggesting then, how about

(0 … 42).pass? 42 #=> false
(0 … 42).pass? 42 #=> false

I don’t get how “pass” relates to ranges, or enumerables generally.
Do you mean because it will be “passed” to the block? That seems like
focusing on the mechanics rather than the semantics of the object.
(But maybe I’m misunderstanding.)


[email protected] wrote:

(0 … 42).pass? 42 #=> false
(0 … 42).pass? 42 #=> false

(0…42).pass? 40.5

true or false?

[email protected] wrote:

reading this just gave me a new idea: first of all, i think this method
should be a verb so that it implies a loop and test, rather than a simply
test. this is important because the method is, potentally, extremely
expensive. shortening you suggesting then, how about

I suggested #generates? elsewhere in the thread, for the same reason - I
think it important that the method sounds expensive. Are there any
methods currently in the core/stdlib that sound innocuous but have a
performance hit under the covers? (#last perhaps?).
