Rails 3 and Controller Instance Variables Inside a Helper

In my Rails 2.x applications i could access controller instance
variables happily inside my application_helper.rb but with 3.0 that is
no longer the case.

Specifically I’m attempting to access the special controller instance
variables that are described in
namely: @_response, @action_name, @url, @_session, @_cookies,
@performed_render, @_flash, @template, @_params,
@before_filter_chain_aborted, @request_origin, @_headers,
@performed_redirect, @_request

What’s up here? Usually Google is my friend here but nobody who has
reported this elsewhere (like on Stack Overflow) seems to have found
an answer.

Thanks in advance.


i think the dont require the @ anymore , try it out, it was like that
the request, it no longer requires @ at its beginning

Thanks but that didn’t do it unfortunately.