Ruby Kickstart - free course with videos, quizzes, & challenges


Happy to finally officially announce Ruby Kickstart, a curriculum with
videos, quizzes, & challenges that I’ve used to teach my friends Ruby.

Why would my friends want to learn Ruby? They’re jealous of how much fun
have. Now you, too, can be this happy!


  • There are six sessions where we progress from the basics all the way
    through putting a web application on the internet. The material that we
    through is available at GitHub - JoshCheek/ruby-kickstart: An interactive guide to learning the Ruby programming language.

  • Each session has an associated video where I go through the material
    my friends (my friends and I went through RKS this summer, I recorded
    sessions, they’re available on the website) Plus a FREE bonus video
    where I
    talk about recursion (WINNING!).

  • Each session has an associated quiz that you can take on the website.
    Don’t fear the quizzes, remember, quizzes are opportunities to show off!

  • Each session has a set of challenges you can go through. These are
    programming problems that use the material taught in the session. There
    is a
    test suite for each so you can know if you did it correctly. Some are
    manipulation of basic Ruby objects, and others are quite comprehensive.
    last challenge, for example, will have you create a website with Sinatra
    that includes some library code, Bundler, and Rack. When you’re passing
    test suite, you’ll be ready to put it on Heroku and send the URL to your
    parents “Look what I made, ma!” (always tell your mother if you want

“Wow, Josh, I’m really impressed” – My mother.

One friend who learned Ruby through RKS last summer just got hired to do
Rails professionally in Vancouver. So if you give as much of a shit as
did, you will see results. Plus, it’s way better than it was when he
through it. Also, the Rails job market is hot right now, so it’s a great
time to be learning Ruby.

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Very interesting Josh, I’ll have to take a look.

I’ve got a baby rubyist that I’ve been mentoring very freely. He’s at
the point where I think something like what you’re offering would help
a lot.

On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 5:08 PM, spiralofhope <
[email protected]> wrote:

Very interesting Josh, I’ll have to take a look.

I’ve got a baby rubyist that I’ve been mentoring very freely. He’s at
the point where I think something like what you’re offering would help
a lot.

Fantastic :slight_smile: If you guys have any feedback, let me know so I can
improve it
for everyone.

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Josh C. [email protected] wrote:


I’ve now removed logging in altogether. Anyone can take the quizzes (go
if you know your Ruby :wink:

I think it was a feature no one wanted and only served to act as a
so its gone now.