Nginx 0.8.25 on an Xen VPS - Ubuntu

Hello, I just build nginx from source on a new VPS based on Xen. The
system is running Ubuntu.

The build was fine also the installation, but when starting it, the
workers are not starting and have this error in error_log:

eventfd() failed (38: Function not implemented)
worker process 2345 exited with fatal code 2 and can not be respawn

Can anyone tell me whats the problem?

Robert G. wrote:

Hello, I just build nginx from source on a new VPS based on Xen. The
system is running Ubuntu.

The build was fine also the installation, but when starting it, the
workers are not starting and have this error in error_log:

eventfd() failed (38: Function not implemented)
worker process 2345 exited with fatal code 2 and can not be respawn

Can anyone tell me whats the problem?

Never mind, my fault :smiley:
I found the problem!

Robert G. wrote:

Can anyone tell me whats the problem?

Never mind, my fault :smiley:
I found the problem!

Which was what?

Robert G. wrote in post #868145:

Robert G. wrote:

Hello, I just build nginx from source on a new VPS based on Xen. The
system is running Ubuntu.

The build was fine also the installation, but when starting it, the
workers are not starting and have this error in error_log:

eventfd() failed (38: Function not implemented)
worker process 2345 exited with fatal code 2 and can not be respawn

Can anyone tell me whats the problem?

Never mind, my fault :smiley:
I found the problem!

And what was the problem, and how did you work around the solution
Robert G.?

The very same issue is described here and solution was given by Maxim.

[quote="nginx binary was compiled with file aio support , but your
system doesn’t have proper interfaces (lacks eventfd() syscall).
Solution is to recompile nginx without file aio support. "]


More at here eventfd() failed

Posted at Nginx Forum: