Net/http post_form problem


I’m trying to execute the next code:
require ‘net/http’
require ‘uri’

puts “starting…”
url = URI.parse(‘http://localhost/test3/demo.aspx’)

puts “retrieving…”
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(url,
{“FullName” => “Shay F.”})

puts “writing”“test.txt”,“w”) { |file| file.print res.body }

It uses the net/http library to send a post request to the given web
site. The problem is that it gets a timeout every single time on the
post_form method.

I have tried to put a breakpoint on the Page_Load event of the demo.aspx
code and the breakpoint is never hit!
I tried this code sample using MRI and it worked great…

Is it a bug?


The error I receive after waiting for quite a long time:

It wouldn’t surprise me if there is a bug. If you look at the Mspec
tags, you’ll see that a lot of the net/http library is critical (meaning
it hangs or crashes the interpreter). Feel free to file a bug, or take a
look to start cleaning it up (if the SOAP stuff isn’t already keeping
you busy ;))


…there is no try

It might be related to the spec that is failing:

critical:Net::HTTP.post_form when passed URI POSTs the passed form data
to the given uri

I’ve filed a bug:
