Fixture::FormatError parsing YAML

I’m trying to test restful_authentication plugin and am getting
errors with my install.
==>I’ve been through the YAML specification and actually copied
the fixture file into word looking for tabs instead of spaces. I’ve
played with various parts of the formatting, but I need a fresh pair
of eyes on this one.

  1. Error:
    Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing C:/Users/Wayne/
    Documents/Aptana Studio/blog/test/fixtures/fixtures.yml. Please note
    that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not
    allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language
    The exact error was:
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `options’ for

Here’s the related fixtures.yml
id: 1
login: quentin
email: [email protected]
salt: 7e3041ebc2fc05a40c60028e2c4901a81035d3cd
crypted_password: 00742970dc9e6319f8019fd54864d3ea740f04b1
created_at: <%= 5.days.ago.to_s :db %>
<% if options[:include_activation] %> activation_code:
8f24789ae988411ccf33ab0c30fe9106fab32e9b <% end %>
<% if options[:include_activation] %> activated_at: <%=
5.days.ago.to_s :db %> <% end %>
<% if options[:stateful] %> state: active<% end %>
id: 2
login: aaron
email: [email protected]
salt: 7e3041ebc2fc05a40c60028e2c4901a81035d3cd
crypted_password: 00742970dc9e6319f8019fd54864d3ea740f04b1
created_at: <%= 1.days.ago.to_s :db %>
<% if options[:include_activation] %> activation_code:
8f24789ae988411ccf33ab0c30fe9106fab32e9a <% end %>
<% if options[:stateful] %> state: pending<% end %>

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 10:31 AM, WJSimacek [email protected]

Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing C:/Users/Wayne/
Documents/Aptana Studio/blog/test/fixtures/fixtures.yml. Please note
that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not
allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language
The exact error was:
NameError: undefined local variable or method `options’ for

What line/file is this last bit happening on? I wonder if the YML
problem is a red herring.

On May 18, 2:16 pm, David C. [email protected] wrote:


I’m not sure how to answer your question? Is there a way I can re-run
the specific test with a --trace option to have something more to send
you? --Wayne [p.s. --this is just one of several YAML parsing errors
I’m getting. If it is a red herring…it’s a Whopper!

Here’s some related ones–

  1. Error:
    Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing C:/Users/Wayne/
    Documents/Aptana Studio/blog/test/fixtures/fixtures.yml. Please note
    that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not
    allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language
    The exact error was:
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `options’ for

  2. Error:
    Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing C:/Users/Wayne/
    Documents/Aptana Studio/blog/test/fixtures/fixtures.yml. Please note
    that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not
    allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language
    The exact error was:
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `options’ for

  3. Error:
    Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing C:/Users/Wayne/
    Documents/Aptana Studio/blog/test/fixtures/fixtures.yml. Please note
    that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not
    allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language
    The exact error was:
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `options’ for

  4. Error:
    Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing C:/Users/Wayne/
    Documents/Aptana Studio/blog/test/fixtures/fixtures.yml. Please note
    that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not
    allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language
    The exact error was:
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `options’ for

  5. Error:
    Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing C:/Users/Wayne/
    Documents/Aptana Studio/blog/test/fixtures/fixtures.yml. Please note
    that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not
    allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language
    The exact error was:
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `options’ for

  6. Error:
    Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing C:/Users/Wayne/
    Documents/Aptana Studio/blog/test/fixtures/fixtures.yml. Please note
    that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not
    allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language
    The exact error was:
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `options’ for

  7. Error:
    Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing C:/Users/Wayne/
    Documents/Aptana Studio/blog/test/fixtures/fixtures.yml. Please note
    that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not
    allowed. Please have a look at YAML Ain't Markup Language
    The exact error was:
    NameError: undefined local variable or method `options’ for

  8. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method login_as' for #<SessionsControllerTest:0x5fd7f14> /test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb:50:in test_should_delete_token_on_logout’

  9. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method users' for #<SessionsControllerTest: 0x5fd7f00> /test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb:71:in test_should_fail_cookie_login’

  10. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method users' for #<SessionsControllerTest: 0x5fd7ed8> /test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb:63:in test_should_fail_expired_cookie_login’

  11. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method post' for #<SessionsControllerTest: 0x5fd7eb0> /test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb:27:in test_should_fail_login_and_not_redirect’

  12. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method post' for #<SessionsControllerTest: 0x5fd7e88> /test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb:21:in test_should_login_and_redirect’

  13. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method users' for #<SessionsControllerTest: 0x5fd7e60> /test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb:56:in test_should_login_with_cookie’

  14. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method login_as' for #<SessionsControllerTest:0x5fd7e38> /test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb:33:in test_should_logout’

  15. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method post' for #<SessionsControllerTest: 0x5fd7e10> /test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb:45:in test_should_not_remember_me’

  16. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method post' for #<SessionsControllerTest: 0x5fd7de8> /test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb:40:in test_should_remember_me’

16 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 16 errors

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 3:50 PM, WJSimacek [email protected]

of eyes on this one.

What line/file is this last bit happening on? I wonder if the YML
problem is a red herring.

I’m not sure how to answer your question? Is there a way I can re-run
the specific test with a --trace option to have something more to send
you? --Wayne [p.s. --this is just one of several YAML parsing errors
I’m getting. If it is a red herring…it’s a Whopper!

Unfortunately you’re using a combination of tools and platforms that I
don’t have any experience with.

Anybody else using Aptana on Windows who can help debug this?