Having an integer matrix inside model


Is there any way I can have a model to store an N by N integer matrix?
Something that would be able to keep record of rows and seats.

n[i][j] = 1 if the seat is empty
n[i][j] = 2 if the seat is reserved

Auditorium has_many Rows
Row has_many Seats
Seat belongs_to Row
Row belongs_to Auditorium


2009/5/15 pb pb [email protected]

too much complex:)

is good enough to keep only row#nr and seat#nr, eg

table seats contains:

is much faster to search/update


Colin L. wrote:

Tomas Meinlschmidt, MS {MCT, MCP+I, MCSE, AER}, NetApp Filer/NetCache

  • experienced RoR/PHP freelancer, available for hire

www.meinlschmidt.com www.maxwellrender.cz www.lightgems.cz

Colin L. wrote:

You might find the arrangement using relationships is actually
simpler to develop, and with a maximum of a few thousand seats
you are unlikely to notice any difference in lookup.

The fact that you talk about rows suggests that this is a concept that
part of your mental image of the problem, it is often best to map your
mental image of the problem into the application, it makes it a better
representation of the real world, which may be much more important than
few milliseconds of database lookup.

For example, do you wish to keep the number of seats in each row
Put it in the rows table.


2009/5/15 Tom Z Meinlschmidt [email protected]

Well, each row will have the same amount of possible seats. I want to
store 1 if there’s a seat, or 0 if there’s something else, like an alley
or some obstacle.
a room plan wood look like



where the 1 signifies a seat, 0 signifies stairs and 2 is the screen.
I came up with a model

I have a class room which contains a name:string, rows:integer,
and then I have roomplan which has room_id:integer , row:integer,
seat:integer, value:integer to keep those 1s and 0s…

What do you think?

I would still go for Models Room, Row and Seat with the relationships as
above, it seems like a better mapping of the problem. But if your
is a better mapping for the way you see the problem then that is the
solution for you.

Consider how to access a particular seat. In the Room, Row, Seat
solution if
you have the record for a particular room then value for seat 5 on row 3
would be referenced by
room.row[3].seat[5].value (assuming zero based indexing, you might
have to
add one to the indexes for real world mapping)
How would this be achieved with the Room and RoomPlan models?


2009/5/16 pb pb [email protected]

You might find the arrangement using relationships is actually
simpler to develop, and with a maximum of a few thousand seats
you are unlikely to notice any difference in lookup.

The fact that you talk about rows suggests that this is a concept that
part of your mental image of the problem, it is often best to map your
mental image of the problem into the application, it makes it a better
representation of the real world, which may be much more important than
few milliseconds of database lookup.

For example, do you wish to keep the number of seats in each row
Put it in the rows table.


2009/5/15 Tom Z Meinlschmidt [email protected]

Colin L. wrote:

you have the record for a particular room then value for seat 5 on row 3
would be referenced by
room.row[3].seat[5].value (assuming zero based indexing, you might
have to
add one to the indexes for real world mapping)
How would this be achieved with the Room and RoomPlan models?


Well, another way to do it might be to simply have a 2D array serialized
to YAML. That gives the addressability without the join overhead. I
tend to agree with you, though: a separate Seat table (probably not a
Row table, though) would be good – it would allow the storage of more
than 1 byte of data for each seat…


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]