Noise problem in multiband FM transmitter

Hello,I have built a Multi band NBFMtransmitter.As I increase the number
of channels for transmission ,the noise is increasing.How do i
counteract this in the code.The code is given below#!/usr/bin/env
python## a program to send multiple mp3 playlist on the FM band#in this
example a single mp3 is sent over N channels on the fm bandfrom gnuradio
import gr, engnotationfrom gnuradio import usrpfrom gnuradio import
audiofrom gnuradio import blks2from gnuradio.engoption import
engoptionfrom optparse import OptionParserfrom usrpm import
usrpdbidimport mathimport sys,os,re,tempfile,time,threadfrom
gnuradio.wxgui import stdgui2, fftsink2#from gnuradio import
txdebugguiimport wx# instantiate one transmit chain for each callclass
pipeline(gr.hierblock2):def init(self, outputfile, lofreq, audiorate,
ifrate):gr.hierblock2.init(self, “pipeline”,gr.iosignature(0, 0, 0),#
Input signaturegr.iosignature(1, 1, gr.sizeofgrcomplex)) # Output
signaturesrc = gr.filesource (gr.sizeoffloat,outputfi
le, False)fmtx = blks2.nbfmtx (audiorate, ifrate, maxdev=75e3,
tau=75e6) # Local oscillatorlo = gr.sigsourcec (ifrate,# sample
rategr.GRSINWAVE, # waveform typelofreq,#frequency0.1,# amplitude0)# DC
Offsetmixer = gr.multiplycc ()self.connect (src, fmtx, (mixer,
0))self.connect (lo, (mixer, 1))self.connect (mixer, self) ####Working
with playlist####################################def
mp3toraw(filename,outputfile):print(“nice n 19 sox “%s” r 32000 t raw
f L c 1 %s
" % (filename,outputfile))os.system(“nice n 19 sox “%s” r 32000 t raw
f L c 1 %s” % (filename,outputfile))# Read in .pls format (can be made
e.g., using beepmediaplayer)def readplaylist(fname):input = open(fname,
‘r’)playlist=[]#[playlist]l = input.readline()# NumberOfEntriesl =
input.readline()nentries =
int(re.findall(“NumberOfEntries=([09]+)”,l)[0])print “Number of items in
list %d
" % nentriesi = 1while l:l=input.readline()filepath =
re.findall(“File[09]+=(.*)$”,l)if filepath:print
filepath[0]playlist.append(filepath[0])i = i +
1input.close()return(playlist)## just create a standard tempfn (sox will
create the file, so remove one made by system)def mktempfn():tf =
tempfile.mkstemp(”.raw”)outputfile =
wfmtx:def init(self):parser = OptionParser
(optionclass=engoption)parser.addoption(“T”, “txsubdevspec”,
type=“subdev”, default=None,help=“select USRP Tx side A or
B”)parser.addoption(“f”, “freq”, type=“engfloat”, default=90e6,
help=“set Tx frequency to FREQ (default 90e6)”,
metavar=“FREQ”)parser.addoption(“l”,“playlist”, action=“store”,
default=None,help=“MP3 playlist containing files to
air.”)parser.addoption(“n”, “nchannels”, type=“int”, default=4,
help=“number of Tx channels [1,4]”)(options, args) = pars
er.parseargs ()if len(args) != 0:parser.printhelp()sys.exit(1)if
options.playlist == None:print "No playlist specified
"sys.exit()# parse playlistplaylist = readplaylist(options.playlist)
self.fg = gr.topblock()# setup IQ rate to 320kS/s and audio rate to
32kS/sself.u = usrp.sinkc()self.dacrate = self.u.dacrate()# 128
MS/sself.usrpinterp =
400self.u.setinterprate(self.usrpinterp)self.usrprate = self.dacrate /
self.usrpinterp# 320 kS/sself.swinterp = 10self.audiorate =
self.usrprate / self.swinterp# 32 kS/s# determine the daughterboard
subdevice we’re usingif options.txsubdevspec is
None:options.txsubdevspec = usrp.picktxsubdevice(self.u)m =
options.txsubdevspec)self.u.setmux(m)self.subdev =
usrp.selectedsubdev(self.u, options.txsubdevspec)print “Using TX d’board
%s” %
set max Tx gainif not self.setfreq(options.freq):freqrange =
self.subdev.freqrange()print “Failed to set frequency to
%s.Daughterboard supports %s to %s” %
SystemExitself.subdev.setenable(True) # enable transmitterprint “TX freq
%1.2f MHz
" % (options.freq/1e6) sum = gr.addcc ()# Instantiate N NBFM
channelsstep = 25e3offset = (0 * step, 1 * step, 1 * step, 2 * step, 2 *
step, 3 * step, 3 * step, 4 * step,4 * step )for i in range
(options.nchannels):outputfile = mktempfn()# write raw sound to named
pipe in thread.startnewthread(mp3toraw,(playlist[i],outputfile))# sleep
until we are sure there is something to playtime.sleep(3)print “File
size %d
" % int(os.stat(outputfile)[6]) t = pipeline(outputfile,offset[i],
self.audiorate, self.usrprate)self.fg.connect(t,(sum, i))gain =
gr.multiplyconstcc (4000.0) # connect it allself.fg.connect (sum,
gain,self.u)#src = gr.filesource (gr.sizeoffloat,outputfile, False)#
stop and wait to finishprint “Starting to play" “Done”
#stop and wait to
fmtx, gain, self.u)os.remove(outputfile)# hack, we should get pid and
kill sox only if necessary.os.system(“killall sox”)def setfreq(self,
targetfreq):””“Set the center frequency we’re interested in.””"r =
self.u.tune(self.subdev.which(), self.subdev, targetfreq)if r:print
“r.basebandfreq =”, engnotation.numtostr(r.basebandfreq)print
“r.dxcfreq=”, engnotation.numtostr(r.dxcfreq)print “r.residualfreq =”,
engnotation.numtostr(r.residualfreq)print “r.inverted=”,
r.invertedreturn Truereturn Falseif name == ‘main’:wfmtx()Regards, Mayur
Sarode Ge
t Yourself a cool, short Email ID now!

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 11:27:22AM +0530, mayur sarode wrote:

Hello,I have built a Multi band NBFMtransmitter.As I increase the number of channels for transmission ,the noise is increasing.How do i counteract this in the code.The code is given below#!/usr/bin/env python## a program to send multiple mp3 playlist on the FM band#in this example a single mp3 is sent over N channels on the fm bandfrom gnuradio import gr, engnotationfrom gnuradio import usrpfrom gnuradio import audiofrom gnuradio import blks2from gnuradio.engoption import engoptionfrom optparse import OptionParserfrom usrpm import usrpdbidimport mathimport sys,os,re,tempfile,time,threadfrom gnuradio.wxgui import stdgui2, fftsink2#from gnuradio import txdebugguiimport wx# instantiate one transmit chain for each callclass pipeline(gr.hierblock2):def init(self, outputfile, lofreq, audiorate, ifrate):gr.hierblock2.init(self, “pipeline”,gr.iosignature(0, 0, 0),# Input signaturegr.iosignature(1, 1, gr.sizeofgrcomplex)) # Output signaturesrc = gr.filesource (gr.sizeoffloat,outputfi
le, False)fmtx = blks2.nbfmtx (audiorate, ifrate, maxdev=75e3, tau=75e6) # Local oscillatorlo = gr.sigsourcec (ifrate,# sample rategr.GRSINWAVE, # waveform typelofreq,#frequency0.1,# amplitude0)# DC Offsetmixer = gr.multiplycc ()self.connect (src, fmtx, (mixer, 0))self.connect (lo, (mixer, 1))self.connect (mixer, self) ####Working with playlist####################################def mp3toraw(filename,outputfile):print(“nice n 19 sox “%s” r 32000 t raw f L c 1 %s
" % (filename,outputfile))os.system(“nice n 19 sox “%s” r 32000 t raw f L c 1 %s” % (filename,outputfile))# Read in .pls format (can be made e.g., using beepmediaplayer)def readplaylist(fname):input = open(fname, ‘r’)playlist=[]#[playlist]l = input.readline()# NumberOfEntriesl = input.readline()nentries = int(re.findall(“NumberOfEntries=([09]+)”,l)[0])print “Number of items in list %d
" % nentriesi = 1while l:l=input.readline()filepath = re.findall(“File[09]+=(.*)$”,l)if filepath:print filepath[0]playlist.append(filepath[0])i = i + 1input.close()return(playlist)## just create a standard tempfn (sox will create the file, so remove one made by system)def mktempfn():tf = tempfile.mkstemp(”.raw”)outputfile = tf[1]os.close(tf[0])os.remove(tf[1])return(outputfile)############################################################################################class wfmtx:def init(self):parser = OptionParser (optionclass=engoption)parser.addoption(“T”, “txsubdevspec”, type=“subdev”, default=None,help=“select USRP Tx side A or B”)parser.addoption(“f”, “freq”, type=“engfloat”, default=90e6, help=“set Tx frequency to FREQ (default 90e6)”, metavar=“FREQ”)parser.addoption(“l”,“playlist”, action=“store”, default=None,help=“MP3 playlist containing files to air.”)parser.addoption(“n”, “nchannels”, type=“int”, default=4, help=“number of Tx channels [1,4]”)(options, args) = pars
er.parseargs ()if len(args) != 0:parser.printhelp()sys.exit(1)if options.playlist == None:print "No playlist specified
"sys.exit()# parse playlistplaylist = readplaylist(options.playlist) self.fg = gr.topblock()# setup IQ rate to 320kS/s and audio rate to 32kS/sself.u = usrp.sinkc()self.dacrate = self.u.dacrate()# 128 MS/sself.usrpinterp = 400self.u.setinterprate(self.usrpinterp)self.usrprate = self.dacrate / self.usrpinterp# 320 kS/sself.swinterp = 10self.audiorate = self.usrprate / self.swinterp# 32 kS/s# determine the daughterboard subdevice we’re usingif options.txsubdevspec is None:options.txsubdevspec = usrp.picktxsubdevice(self.u)m = usrp.determinetxmuxvalue(self.u, options.txsubdevspec)self.u.setmux(m)self.subdev = usrp.selectedsubdev(self.u, options.txsubdevspec)print “Using TX d’board %s” % (self.subdev.sideandname(),)self.subdev.setgain(self.subdev.gainrange()[1])# set max Tx gainif not self.setfreq(options.freq):freqrange = self.subdev.freqrange()print “Failed to set frequency to %s.Daughterboard supports %s to %s” % (engnotation.numtostr(options.freq),engnotation.numtostr(freqran
ge[0]),engnotation.numtostr(freqrange[1]))raise SystemExitself.subdev.setenable(True) # enable transmitterprint “TX freq %1.2f MHz
" % (options.freq/1e6) sum = gr.addcc ()# Instantiate N NBFM channelsstep = 25e3offset = (0 * step, 1 * step, 1 * step, 2 * step, 2 * step, 3 * step, 3 * step, 4 * step,4 * step )for i in range (options.nchannels):outputfile = mktempfn()# write raw sound to named pipe in thread.startnewthread(mp3toraw,(playlist[i],outputfile))# sleep until we are sure there is something to playtime.sleep(3)print “File size %d
" % int(os.stat(outputfile)[6]) t = pipeline(outputfile,offset[i], self.audiorate, self.usrprate)self.fg.connect(t,(sum, i))gain = gr.multiplyconstcc (4000.0) # connect it allself.fg.connect (sum, gain,self.u)#src = gr.filesource (gr.sizeoffloat,outputfile, False)# stop and wait to finishprint “Starting to play" “Done” #stop and wait to finishself.fg.stop()self.fg.wait()#src=getsrc()#fmtx=getfmtx()#self.fg.disconnect(src, fmtx, gain, self.u)os.remove(outputfile)# hack, we should get pid and kill sox only if necessary.os.system(“killall sox”)def setfreq(self, targetfreq):””“Set the center frequency we’re interested in.””"r = self.u.tune(self.subdev.which(), self.subdev, targetfreq)if r:print “r.basebandfreq =”, engnotation.numtostr(r.basebandfreq)print “r.dxcfreq=”, engnotation.numtostr(r.dxcfreq)print “r.residualfreq =”, engnotation.numtostr(r.residualfreq)print “r.inverted=”, r.invertedreturn Truereturn Falseif name == ‘main’:wfmtx()Regards, Mayur Sarode Ge
t Yourself a cool, short Email ID now!

Your message is virtually unreadable.

Please figure out how to send plain ascii messages that have line
breaks where you want them, not where your mail tool wants them.
